Chapter 01

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"Yes mom I will." Niki grunted as he yanked his suitcase off of the baggage carousel, his phone tightly squished between his shoulder and cheek. He stumbled back with a huff, his cheeks dusted red as he gave an apologetic smile to a passing man he had almost bumped into.

"Listen mom, I really have to go-" He desperately attempted to get out of his mother's scolding as he danced around the business, colliding with shoulders as he awkwardly scooted his suitcase behind him, tripping people in the process.

"Yes mom! I'm nineteen now, stop worrying about me. I love you and I'll text you when I get there." With a final goodbye he ended the call, a muted beep signaling that he was finally free of his mother's whining. He loved her, really, but she could be a bit overbearing sometimes. Pride swelled his heart as he reached the two double doors that led to his new life, he had to bite back a giddy smile.

With a quick shove he was out of the busy airport, filling his lungs with the fresh Seoul air. Honking cars and the faint smoke of a near Korean BBQ restaurant caught his attention. His stomach let out a low growl, He hadn't eaten in hours and the smell of sizzling beef made his mouth water. He was tempted to order some food but a gruff voice made him stop in his tracks.

"Nishimura Niki?" The driver absolutely butchered his last name but at least he tried. Niki changed his pace, strolling up to the taxi. He had called for one when he landed, not wanting to wait for long outside. He was regretting his decision, Korean BBQ still fresh in his mind.

"Uh, yeah that's me. I guess you're my taxi driver?" the ravenette queried with a lifted brow, stumbling over his words because he was still new to speaking the language. He cringed at himself, aware at how awfully he had pronounced some words. He took back judging the man for mispronouncing his name.

"Well, hop in! Do you need any assistance with your luggage?" Despite the deep and hoarse voice, the driver was surprisingly friendly. A tough looking middle aged man with greying hair and a scruffy beard.

"Oh, no. I should be okay. Thank you though." Niki shuffled into the backseat, dragging his bag in beside him before leaning over to pull the car door shut. Dusting himself off with an awkward smile as he carefully clicked in his seatbelt.

"Well then, where to?" He met eyes with the driver through the rearview, awkwardly clearing his throat. It took him a moment to recollect himself, searching for the right words to puzzle together. Why didn't he study more?

"Uh I'm heading to the Academy..." His voice trails off, mouth gaping like a fish out of water.

"Hillcreek? Starburn?" The driver, now impatiently tapping at the sleek black steering wheel, lets out a sigh as he lists of a few of the other institutions around Seoul.

"St.Sanguis! Sorry..." Anxiety piked through his veins as he picked at the skin around his nail, not wanting to look up due to embarrassment. Red burns the tips of his ears when he hears a laugh and a faint click as the man shifts the gear into drive.

"Was that so hard?" It was a lighthearted tease from the latter but it still made Niki gulp back the lump forming in his throat. It felt condescending and made him feel stupid. His attention now on the window, an awkward smile resting on his lips.

Unaware of how uncomfortable he had made the boy, the driver continues. "That's a challenging School to get accepted in to. Expensive too. How much did you pay?" The bold questions hurled at him made him choke on his spit, surprised at how blunt the man was. Is this how they usually have conversations over here?

"I got in with a scholarship." It was a lot for his brain, a big leap. From studying simple sentences in his small bedroom in Japan to having a continuous conversation with a Taxi driver in Korea, it was bound to overwhelm him. Especially a Taxi driver so unaware of social cues that he kept waffling on about his family and other useless things that he didn't pay any mind to.

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