Chapter 4: Earth P1

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Earth was so paranoid, but he kept playing his part. It would be risky to just leave, and the others had to get medical help somehow. At the moment, he was switching Neptune's bandages. He had to put him to sleep for this, as Neptune was pretty skittish and had no pain tolerance. He finished, going to clean his hands. "Bleh." Earth mumbles to himself, cleaning the blood and other weird fleshy stuff of his hands. "Don't like getting your hands dirty, huh?" Venus says with a chuckle. "Shut up before I take those bandages off and pour hand sanitizer in your wound..." Earth tells him, lying. I could never, do that, even he knows... "No, you won't, because you don't have the guts." Venus says, ending their conversation. Neptune wakes up, immediately feeling the wave of pain come over him. "Mmm..." Neptune grumbles to himself, in pain. "It's okay buddy. I just changed your bandages." Earth says, coming over and patting Neptune on the head. Poor buddy, I know it hurts. I've been there. Earth quickly noticed that Jupiter had fallen asleep, explaining him not talking. Mercury had also fallen asleep. Earth quickly realized almost everyone was asleep, because it was "the middle of the night." Earth was still to paranoid to sleep. It had been around a week since he last slept. The worst part was he was starting to get a cold, and he hasn't done anything to help himself. Earth flops down onto the "floor," exhausted. "Woah, wasn't expecting that." Venus mumbles, not expecting for him to just fall over. Earth rubs his eyes, staring out at space. Everything was blurry, and the light of the stars hurt his eyes. He gets back up, forgetting something. What am I forgetting? Oh, right. Earth walks over to his stuff, ruffling through it all before grabbing and taking some melatonin. He puts it back, before going back to the spot where he was originally laying. He flops over, trying to sleep. The entire night, he didn't get any sleep, and his head was killing him. Venus was trying to act like he didn't care, but he was genuinely concerned about Earth. Venus wasn't getting very good sleep either, although he atleast got a couple hours in. "ACHOO!" Earth sneezes kinda aggressively. "Bless you." Jupiter tells him, waking up from his sneeze. "Earth, have you been getting enough sleep? Your eyebags are... ehm... really visible." Jupiter asks. "Yes! I'm fine you big idiot!" Earth snaps for no reason. Everyone stares at him, confused at his sudden anger, other Mercury, who knows exactly what is happening. Earth sits at his desk, (DON'T ASK WHERE IT CAME FROM) laying his head down, drowsy and unable to focus on what he was even mad about. A loud gunshot can be heard. "Huh?" Earth mumbles. He gets up, putting his energy into running towards the noise. Jupiter follows behind. "Uranus, you okay?" Earth asks him, stumbling to a stop. "Yep. I shot at Iris and missed. He left quickly though." Uranus says, putting the gun around his waist in a more comfortable place. Pluto and Make-Make are casually talking again, but Haumea and Eris are still comprehending what just happened. Earth coughs, covering his mouth. "You got Corona or something?" Uranus says, accidentally making a offensive joke. "Haha, very funny. Joking about the thing that killed thousands of earthlings." Earth says, mad. "Sorry." Uranus replies, guilty. Earth slowly begins making his way back to his orbit. Jupiter ends up carrying Earth, because he's slow. Jupiter gently puts Earth down. "Go to sleep buddy. You need it." Jupiter tells him. Earth looks through his stuff again, taking melatonin before trying to sleep in his little spot. Earth gets two minutes of sleep, before waking up. Why am I already up? Shouldn't I have fallen asleep for good? His thoughts were quickly answered by him throwing up. "Oh, come on..." Earth mumbles. "Uh, dude, you need some help cleaning that up?" Mars offers, having had been passing by. "Ye-" Earth starts before throwing up again. "Oh, okay, uh." Mars says, quickly looking through Earth's stuff, looking for anything. Mercury limps over, trying to keep Earth calm. Earth throws up again, making him cry. Mars rushes back, having found a plastic bag for him to throw up into instead of all over everything. Earth pukes a last time, this time into the plastic bag while Mars works on cleaning. Oh my stars. I feel like I'm gonna fall over. "You okay Earth?" Mars asks, noticing his arm that he had been leaning on was shaking. Earth silently stands up, throwing away the bag that he had puked into and getting back to his job despite the pounding in his and the tiredness, and lets not forget the light hurting his eyes. Around 2 hours later, when he finished everything he needed to get done, he began looking for some Tylenol. Turns out he didn't have any. "Ugh, what do I do about this stupid headache!?" Earth says to himself. Earth finally can't stay awake anymore, goes unconscious, and flops over. The last thing he hears is the thud of his head slamming into a corner on his desk, and the panicked screams of Neptune.


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