The Redstone Engineer

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TW! Cussing and death threats     btw beansprouts, the spelling errors I make when people type in the chat are intentional.

(Branzy POV)

I stutter for a moment, at a loss for words. "I-I-I... Yes?"

Clown walks past me, examining the blueprints. A picture of a building with all sorts of traps intrigues him. 

"You got the funhouse traps figured out?" He says to me, looking over his shoulder.

The jester's gloved hands trace all the measurements and redstone sketches. He mutters silent calculations under his breath. My palms begin to get really sweaty, and I start fidgeting with the pencil I'm holding. I really hope I didn't just ruin a killer's master plan or something... Who knows what kind of things people do on this server? I can't find anything wrong with my equations, so hopefully I won't get killed.

⊑⟒ ⌰⟟☍⟒⌇ ⊬⍜⎍.

"Why does the repeater need to be placed here?" Clown asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"H-huh?" I ask, looking over at the blueprint. "Oh... that's to hide it from view, the redstone needs to align with the building and everything, while also..." I trail off as he gives me an odd look.

The jester looks back down at the blueprints. "I don't think I even told you what these were for. Why'd you even touch these in the first place?"

I inhale sharply, there it was, the question I had been dreading. How do I say this without insulting him? "...The -uh... calculations seemed a little off... so I just had to change them..." I choke out the response, hoping it's good enough.

"You don't have to sugarcoat it. I get that I'm not the greatest at redstone." Clown says bluntly.

Suddenly, our conversation is interrupted by a small ding. Clown brings his communicator up to his eyes. Copying his movements, I do the same and watch as the device boots up. 

(Parrot): "Everyone, I'd like to address the fact that the random person named Branzy is still somewhere in the server. We should meet up and see if we can find him."

(Vitalasy): "Hell yeah! free hearts ig?"

(Reddoons): "Sounds good. Where are we meeting?"

(PrinceZam): "Parrot what's with the formal tone lmao?"

(ItzSubz) "Free hearts? count me in!"

Clown glances up from his screen and meets my eyes. We both know that I'm in danger right now. He doesn't seem to worried though...

"Should I tell them you're here or...?" He asks.

I contemplate this for a moment. On one hand, Clown seems to be strong and could protect me. But on the other hand, everyone would be alerted of my location. They might also take the message as a 'he's under my protection' message.

"Sure, Clown..." I say, hoping this isn't a mistake.

The jester quickly types something up, the message sent just seconds later.

(Clown): "Branzy's actually with me guys. I found him in the nether"

(PrinceZam): "DAYUMN- Clown's not going solo for once? Is this Branzy guy also good at pvp?"

(Ashswag): "Branzy, are you being held hostage??"

(Branzy): "Haha, no... I don't think so?"

Clown looks up from the communicator and at me. "What do you mean 'I don't think so?'"

"I-I- you kinda just dragged me here to this base? Have I been kidnapped??" I ask, genuinely confused.

"No. You're here until I, or the whole server, figures out how to get you home." Clown replies.

(Parrot): "We're still having a meeting to discuss this! Meet up at spawn."

Clown looks at me. "Come with me, we're going to grab some weapons. Going anywhere unarmed is a bad idea."

I don't protest as he grabs me and leads me to a weaponry room. Many polished and new sword are hung up on the walls. Shields and armor are worn by armor stands. I watch as Clown equips a set of diamond armor, along with a sword and shield. I copy him and grab some armor, I'm not good at PVP so I take harming potions. 

The jester looks at me and nods when he sees me in full armor. "Alright, let's introduce you to the server."

(Time Skip)

Clown and I walked across the hilly landscape, making our way towards spawn. Several voices can be heard from near spawn. A little farther now... As we get closer, the more people start to take notice of me. Clown walks forward, unphased by any stares, whereas my anxiety spikes. 

A man with red skin speaks up, "Uh- not what I was expecting to be honest." 

My face burns with shame.

☍⟟⌰⌰ ⊑⟟⋔...

The rude man instantly gets a glare from Clown, but Clown then sighs. "I'm not sure how he got here. He won't say, plus, I've already figured that he doesn't have a PVP license."

"Huh, well, Branzy, do you mind telling us why you're here then?" Asks another member, he wears a purple hood that obscures his eyes. 

I look at him, unsure. I don't want to tell the truth, it'll sound stupid, plus Ivory might be an unfriendly face here. I shake my head, unwilling to speak. 

"Soo, what does he do then? Or is he from one of those common servers where the norms live?" Questions a royal looking person. 

Clown speak up, "I don't know where he's from, but he's quite intelligent in the field of redstone."

"Pfft, who needs redstone?" Scoffs a glitched purple PVPer. 

I feel the suppressed anger boil up. "Have you ever heard of an orbital canon?" I mutter, my tone has a sharp edge. 

He shakes his head, intrigued. "A what...?"

"Hold on, isn't that like... a nuke?" Asks a feathered person who I can only assume is Parrot.

Suddenly everyone goes silent, and I feel the eyes practically burning holes into me. I could've sworn people were backing away ever so slightly.

⏁⊑⏃⏁'⌇ ⍀⟟☌⊑⏁, ⎎⟒⏃⍀ ⋔⟒.

When the tension dies down, Clown speaks up, "I guess he'll be with me until we figure out how to get him out of here. Meanwhile, anyone who attacks him will answer to my blade." He spat out that last sentence with violence. 

After the meeting, Clown and I walk back into the thicket which houses his base. This is my home now.

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