31 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ well, we found the fremen

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌖 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'Well, we found the Fremen.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌖 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

(Y/N) stares down the colossal beast, keeping up her courage as she bravely attempts to diminish her fear, her heart pounding.

A sudden, rhythmic thumping catches their attention.

"It's a thumper." Paul says. His grip on his wife is unwavering and a part of him wants to whisper a confession in her ear, like they might die in the next second.

He restrains himself.

The sandworm backs up slightly, keeping an 'eye' on them through the vibrations of Paul's voice.

"Someone set off a thumper."

The sandworm almost growls, heading back into the sand and gliding along the surface with a rhythmic thumping in turn, crashing into the barrier as it disappears, causing waves of sand to come crashing towards the couple.

"Paul! (Y/N)!" Jessica calls, grabbing her son as the three quickly flee to the rocks. "Run!"

They pant heavily, rushing into the canyons as Jessica removes her mask, (Y/N) sheaths her crysknife.

"How big are they?" Jessica asks as Paul and (Y/N) remove their own hoods to let their hair free. "That was insane."

She pulls the couple close, a hand cupping their faces as their foreheads press together, and out of instinct, (Y/N) places a hand on Jessica's back to reassure her mother-in-law that everything was okay.

She groans, panting as she sits down, Paul doing the same as (Y/N) sits besides him, feeling his arm snake around her waist as he murmurs, "Someone called it."

Getting the feeling that something was off, Paul scans the canyons, which were still dark because of the now-rising sun.

It was still early, but there was visibility.

Almost simultaneously, the couple signs something to Jessica in the same movements as Paul stands. 'We are not alone.'

He keeps a close eye on the rocks before a pebble clatters and (Y/N) faces the sound, shielding her husband with her body.

A Fremen warrior crouches down nearby, staring the family down and, like the protective wife and warrior that she is, (Y/N) stares back.

Footsteps on the rocks confirm the couple's suspicions as Paul looks around, finding more Fremen crouched on the rocks as they come into their sights, like they're being hunted.

"Do not run." A familiar voice says as the family's heads turn to see one of the Fremen crouched above. "You will only waste your body's water."

One of the bolder warriors slowly gets closer, but the man holds up a hand from his sitting position, like he's laid-back. "Hold."

The man shifts to a crouch, his mask off, but the scarf on his face keeps his nose and mouth hidden in the dim lighting.

Paul keeps a protective, but soft, grip on his wife as he looks up. "Stilgar."

Blades rustle as the Duke recognizes the Fremen warrior, causing his head to snap to the sound. "Hey! You know me. I was there when you came to my father's Council."

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