33 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ kill or be killed

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'May thy knife chip and shatter'

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Chani leads (Y/N) and Paul towards Jamis, Paul holding his wife's hand as he tries to comfort her. Chani leaves their side, moving to go find her spot amongst the other Fremen, and with a quick kiss to her cheek, Paul goes to his mother, but not before muttering something.

"Till death do us part."

(Y/N) watches Jamis as he remains crouched, crysknife at the ready.

Her husband's words remain embedded in her mind. It was like she was back at their wedding all over again.

But this time, he meant those words.

With a newfound resolve and determination, the Ilusek warrior walks across the rocks to face Jamis, looking up to find all eyes on her.

Jessica watches nervously, her son by her side, as Stilgar remains seated nearby, leaning against his hand.

(Y/N) steps into the circle, standing in front of Jamis as he slowly rises, watching her carefully.

"May thy knife chip and shatter," he says, the words holding a type of chivalric grace to them.

A sign of respect.

She keeps the words in mind, her eyes trained on him like a hawk as her shoulders shift. (Y/N) holds up her knife in a salute, the same thing Duncan did when he passed.

The same thing every Atreides did.

She is no longer a general back on Sukari.

No longer a picture perfect child for her parents to show off.

No longer an Ilusek.

No, she was an Atreides.

(Y/N) Atreides.

And that's who she would remain for the rest of her life.

Jamis steps forward as the two start circling one another. "You should welcome my blade."

(Y/N) mimics him, glancing in the direction of her husband as she stares at Jamis, her expression tense while his is calm.

Like he's confident he can take down a woman. No, not even a woman.

An equal.

Women were warriors to the Fremen, and now she was one in consideration of invoking the amtal and choosing to fight.

"This world will kill you," Jamis says as the two stop and (Y/N) gets into a fighting stance. "Quicker this way."

Jamis looks out at the crowd and (Y/N) keeps her eyes on him. Stilgar makes a motion, and all the spectating Fremen say something in unison.

The fight has begun.

Jamis gets into a low stance, hitting his chest with a fist like a gorilla as one of the men speaks something the woman doesn't understand.

He swiftly launches a colliding punch, then another to the gut, causing (Y/N) to back in shock at the suddenness.

She reacts quickly, parrying his blows before Jamis stumbles back, allowing her to wipe off some blood that seeps from her nose.

Jessica and Paul watch, concern etched into their expressions as Jamis studies his opponent, eyes glinting with the realization that she's not just a woman who can fight.

She is a warrior.

He strikes again, this time using his knife to try and get some slashes or hits, but none collide, though (Y/N) falls back, exposed and vulnerable.

Jamis digs his crysknife into the sand as she rolls, using her legs to send him off his feet as she tumbles away.

The two quickly stand and (Y/N) lunges forward, dodging a slash to her stomach before her instincts kick in and she parries each blow before she has her knife to his neck.

"Do you yield?" She shouts in his face, the other Fremen gasping with soft exclamations at the display of such power, watching as the woman scowls with a fighting anger.

Stilgar says something in Chakobsa and Jessica looks at her son.

"The girl doesn't know our rule."

Jamis yells back at her, taunting her to cut him.

"There's no yielding under the amtal rule. Only death is the test of it."

Jamis yells, and the fight becomes something of a display of mockery as (Y/N) parries each blow without breaking a sweat. It's almost like he's not even trying to hurt her, and she's cool and confident in her abilities before she has her knife to his neck once more.

His eyes widen and he knocks her hand away, causing them to go blow for blow with no hits, only dodges. (Y/N) ducks at another slash before she parries and has her crysknife to his neck once more, on the other side.

"Is she toying with him?" Stilgar asks the remaining Atreides as Paul shakes his head.

"No." Jessica says.

"I don't think she's ever killed a man."

Little do they know, she has. And hundreds at that.

To save her people.

To save her family.

But this was different. This felt like a true test of her abilities.

Jamis launches a punch, knocking the woman back as she falls and yelling out as she gets to her feet. She tenses, her shoulders shifting as her jaw clenches.

She doesn't need to yell to show her dominance in this fight. Her unrelenting stare and silence says enough.

"Aegis Vates..." a voice whispers in her head, and she can flashes of the future. "The Shielding Seer..."

"Aegis Vates..." another voice, more eerie in comparison to the first rumbles. "Climb up. Rise."

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