34 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ this is only the beginning

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌔 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'She was the rain for the desert he was.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌔 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

Jamis rushes forward, switching his knife to the other hand to strike from a new angle, but (Y/N) reaches him first as she senses the motion, doing the same, and stabs him in the back.

He falls to his side, and everyone stands, eyes wide in shock.

Jessica closes her eyes and Paul's widens, stunned by the sight.

She did it.

She actually did it.

Jamis groans as (Y/N) kneels down, holding his wrist in respect with her crysknife bloodied.

He passes, resting his head as Stilgar moves a hand over his face to close his eyes. The realization that she killed someone hits the woman hard, but there's little remorse on her face.

It was a fair fight, but to her, it feels like it was an unnecessary death.

Other Fremen step forward, bringing Jamis's body onto a tarp as (Y/N) stands and starts to walk away, a hand on her shoulder.

Others pass, silently congratulating her and passing hands around her shoulders.

A sign of respect.

A sign that she was now a part of them.

Chani steps off the rock she was sitting on, watching the girl as she looks up, her hair now falling on her face.

Her eyes are dark, and her gaze has now changed.

Like the woman she once was is now gone. 

Born into something else.

Paul follows his wife as the two women lock eyes and (Y/N) breaks her gaze, looking down.

He pulls her into a hug as Stilgar starts speaking, and Paul takes a hand in his own, holding it as he lightly kisses her temple, trailing affection kisses down her face to show that he's both concerned and proud of her.

"You're one of us now," Stilgar says as the two turn to look at him. "A life for a life. Come with us to Sietch Tabr."

"No," Jessica says. "Paul and (Y/N) need to get off-world. You must have ways. You have smugglers. You have ships--"


"You have...."

"The Emperor sent us to this place." Paul continues as his mother pauses, holding his wife's hand. "And my father came, not for spice, not for the riches, but for the strength of your people."

Stilgar closes his eyes, fighting his internal conflict as he remembers the man.

"Our roads lead into the desert," Paul says, looking at his wife before he looks at his mother. "We can see it." He pauses for a moment, gently squeezing (Y/N)'s interlocked hand as they look at Stilgar. "If you'll have us, we will come."


The Fremen carry Jamis' body in a tightly wrapped tarp, almost like he's been mummified. 

A treasure of water.

The tribe moves in a single file along an elevated ridge, and Stilgar leads.

The sun shines brightly as everyone walks, and Paul looks out at the horizon, his wife doing the same.

Chani stops in front of them, looking back.

Jessica steps beside Paul and he nods his head in the direction of the sand. Sandworms crash through the grains with ease, and on their backs are some Fremen.

They ride the sandworms with grace and expertise.

One with the desert.

"Desert power," Paul says, smiling at his wife as she steps out to get a better look at the sight, enchanted by it.

"This is only the beginning," Chani says, smiling at the two.

(Y/N) looks back at her husband, and the light shines on her face, almost blinding his sight and covering her in a beautiful, ethereal glow.

The first thing Paul saw in his dreams.

He smiles, knowing that the woman he wanted to know about was in front of him and by his side.

He lovingly gazes at her as Chani walks away, smiling to himself.

She was his.

And the woman he had dreamt about was the very person that he loved.

The woman who kept him grounded in the tent when he was freaking out about the future.

The woman who showed him love was real.

The woman... whom he now called his wife.

Who was by his side forever as they walked into the desert.

Where their roads would lead and intertwine forever.


In 41 days.

With 43, 261 words.

And 36 chapters (including preface and prologue).

And a whole 2 hour and 30 minute movie.... it's over.

Part One is officially over.

I feel like crying. This is the first ever story I have written on Wattpad that is actually completed (besides the fact that it's only halfway--but anyways), oh my god....

Thank you so much for following me on this journey! I wrote this... IN A MONTH. ALMOST TWO MONTHS!!!

The first time I started writing, I was young. Really young. 

And now I'm almost an adult and giving you THIS?! I'm forever blessed to be able to write.


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