
"Is that a hearing aid that you have in your ear? Your like eighteen, not eighty-eight." Alexandria voiced, walking up to Onika.

"I am hard of hearing. I've told you m-multiple times." Onika clutched the sketchbook that was in her hand tighter.

"Lying about that too? You already lied about fucking the whole football team. We all know you did it." Hanging around one football player changed Onika's life— rumors spread quickly about her and Chris, having sex. It wasn't true at all— once people started to figure out it wasn't as true as it was, it all started to calm down, until Chris used his teammates to spread the rumor about the all of them— running a train on her. This time it spread quicker than the first. Onika was already in her shell— she tried her hardest to get out of it, but was pushed back in. Robyn's trying her hardest to get her back out of her shell.

"I didn't!" She whispered out, harshly.

"What if I just." Alexandria tugged at Onika's hearing aid, causing her to pull it out, "Can you hear me now?"

"G-give it back." Onika glanced at her bully, who held her hearing aid.

"Awe, I think you can hear perfectly fine." Dropping the hearing aid on the ground, stomping on it, "Oops, didn't mean to do that. I'll see you at lunch, right?"

Alexandria walked off, leaving Onika with her now broken heading aid.

"M-mommy's gonna kill me." She picked up the remaining pieces of her hearing head.

Standing up straight, she journeyed towards her World history class— it wasn't her favorite, her classmates were loud and pretty annoying.

She sat against the wall with Robyn— Robyn normally kept the girls attention. Onika's attention span ran low— especially without her hearing aids.

"Nika." Robyn waved her hand infront of Onika's face, to gain her attention.

Onika pulled her hand out her pocket and unclutched her fist— showing the broken hearing aid.

"Who did it?" Robyn signed slowly, sitting up straight as she questioned her. Robyn's ASL was choppy— her main reasoning of learning it was to be able to communicate with her best friend.

Onika shook her head, putting the device back into her pocket— taking out her note book and a pen.

She wrote, 'Can you write my notes for me?' before sliding the note book over to Robyn.

Robyn gave her a slight nod, taking the notebook.

Onika laid her head down, watching her best friend write her notes.

"You good?" Robyn signed, Onika focused on her fingers— before scrunching her face up.

She shook her head, giving Robyn a small smile. She knew her best friend's sign language wasn't good— every time she signed something wrong, it would cause her to smile or laugh.

Onika stood close to Robyn— she was scared, she couldn't admit it— but she was. Alexandria already broke her hearing aid.

She still hadn't told Robyn who broke it— nor did she plan on telling her. It would cause more problems between Robyn and Alexandria— she definitely didn't want that to happen.

When both of them argue— it quickly escalates into a screaming match. Onika didn't like it— simply because her ears were sensitive and it caused her a huge headache most of the time.

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