Dislyte gets something better!

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As the group enjoyed their time in the Indivisible multiverse, another urgent message came through. This time, it wasn't just the trusty old intercom but also a pager clipped to Irishboxer4's pants that beeped loudly. The message played clearly: "Bouncing assistance needed in the Dislyte multiverse." A picture of Berenice (Bastet) from Dislyte appeared on the small screen.

Jacob turned to the group, smiling. "Looks like our next adventure is calling. Berenice needs a bouncearoo!"

"Then let's not waste any time," Skylar said, her enthusiasm contagious. "Off to the Dislyte multiverse we go!"

The team, now including Thorani and Kampan with their bouncearoos, made their way to the portal room once again. They gathered around the portal shimmering with vibrant colors, indicating their next destination.

"Ready, everyone?" Irishboxer4 asked.

With collective nods, they stepped through the portal and felt the familiar sensation of traveling between worlds. When they emerged, they found themselves in the electrifying, neon-lit world of the Dislyte multiverse. The atmosphere buzzed with energy, and the cityscape around them was a blend of ancient and futuristic architecture.

"Wow," Painwheel remarked, looking around. "This place is incredible."

Kampan grinned. "Every multiverse has its own charm."

As they took in their surroundings, a figure approached them. Berenice (Bastet), the embodiment of the goddess Bastet, radiated confidence and grace. Her feline features and the aura of divine power made her stand out even in this dazzling world.

"Welcome to Dislyte," Berenice greeted them, her voice smooth and commanding. "I've heard about your adventures and your incredible bouncearoos."

"Hello, Berenice," Jacob said, stepping forward. "We heard you wished for a bouncearoo, and we've brought one just for you."

Skylar gestured to a majestic bouncearoo with sleek, dark fur and a regal demeanor, fitting for a goddess like Berenice. "This is your new companion. What would you like to name him?"

Berenice approached the bouncearoo, her eyes gleaming with approval. She gently stroked the bouncearoo's head, and it nuzzled her hand in response. "I shall name him Shadow. He will be a loyal and powerful companion."

With ease, Berenice mounted Shadow, and they immediately moved with a synchronized grace that left everyone in awe.

"You're amazing, Berenice," Skylar said, watching them.

"Thank you," Berenice replied, smiling. "Shadow and I are ready for whatever challenges await us."

Jacob grinned. "Then let's see what this multiverse has to offer!"

With their newest member and her bouncearoo, the team set off to explore the wonders of the Dislyte multiverse. The neon-lit streets and towering skyscrapers promised new adventures and exciting discoveries, all shared with their extraordinary bouncing companions. The journey ahead was sure to be filled with excitement, camaraderie, and the thrill of the unknown, making every bounce a new chapter in their ever-expanding story.

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