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"Shit not gonna do that"jihoon said looking at minghao

"Do can't do you have to"minghao said and he push jihoon towards the boy who was sitting in the next table

They are playing truth or dare but the truth is limited and the last one are very unlucky and the unlucky is none other than jihoon and minghao being an evil friend dare him to kiss the guy not far from where they are sitting
And if jihoon say no he will pay all what hes friend buy and jihoon is broke so he didn't have any choice but to agree with it

"Its oky jihoon I saw that guy looking at you like he will gonna eat you alive "wonwoo said supporting minghao

"Sure"jihoon said sarcastically while rolling hes eyes

Hes now walking towards next table where the guy was

"Hey their cutie"one guy said making a flirty face

Jihoon want to rolled hes eyes towards the guy but manage to control him self

"Um...he-hey"jihoon said looking at the guy minghao dared him to kiss

The guy look at him
"Hey ..."the guy said with soft but dark voice and that give jihoon a cold aura allover  hes body

"Can I kiss you??"jihoon ask in a low tone so other can't hear him but the guy in front of him successfully heard him despite how low jihoon voice is

Jihoon finally stap out of him as he heard he's friend laughing at the other table so he turn always and run for hes life
He didn't even give the guy a chance to speak

Part 2????................


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