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Soonyoung is very annoying and jihoon have enough


"Hey jihoon are you busy?????are you going to you're music club???I can go with you" an annoying guy said looking at the small boy at the locker who was side eyeing him

"The fuck soonyoung can you get out in my sigth?!!"jihoon said looking at soonyoung with annoying face but soonyoung just smile at him

Its normal to soonyoung
Always jihoon shouting at him or glaring at him when the smaller guy see him
He can't blame hem he is a total annoying

"Come on jihoon I'm just being a good boyfriend"soonyoung said with a cute face
Main while jihoon have disgusting face all over him

"Ewwwwww what the fuck are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!as if I will say yes
Fuck you soonyoung "jihoon said before walking to hes next class

Soonyoung was looking at him and sign
He love jihoon so much that he just want to keep him to hes pocket

This is the reason why he is annoying to jihoon
But sometimes he was heart broken when jihoon said eww or he will never be with him
Like what happened today

"Fuck"jihoon said after he take a set

"Bad day again??"kwan said to hes back

"Always a bad ..I will be happy if that soonyoung guy will gone "jihoon said

"Hey don't say that "kwan said with worried tone

"I can say whatever I want kwan "jihoon said as he was scrolling to hes phone


Soonyoung sign as he was standing in front of jihoon class holding a flower

He want to have a date withjihoon and he promise to him self that he will never annoy jihoon
Never again
He will stop if jihoon will say yes or even no
He can't force him though

Main while jihoon was glaring at Vernon

Will Vernon said to the professor that jihoon was cheating but the truth is  jihoon will never and will jihoon was standing at the side still glaring at vernon

He was angry
Hes niece are hurt .he just recovering of hes accident and hes niece is the sinter of hurt

"Okay class that all for today ...Lee you have to go to my office later on"the prof said before leaving the class room

"Hyung I'm so so sorry I don't mean that all"Vernon said with a worried and gult in hes tone

Jihoon was holding hes angry and it will be exploding soon so he have to leave the class before he can do something he will regret spacialy to Vernon

When jihoon was leaving the room soonyoung upper on no where

"Jihoon---"soonyoung stand holding jihoon hand

JUST GET LOST ALREADY!!!!"jihoon shout out of hes lungs in front of soonyoung and some students

Jihoon then walk away not minding all the eye on him
He just swallow all the embarrassment all over hes body

Soonyoung was standing him looking at jihoon walk away with tears in hes eyes

All the student Whispering while looking at him

Soonyoung let go of the flower before he run away
Away from all the ppl he can see
Away where no one know him
Away to all embarrassments

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