Let's discuss this in private...- 5sos & 1D

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This is really bad I tried to cram to many idea into this but I though I should  still post it! Just to make this make a lil more sense I made everyone childhood best friends so you can understand why they care so much, but really in the long run I just made this more confusing. lol I got bored half way through a put it into an AI writer generator so that's why nothing makes sense 😭😭💀💀. 

In the sweltering heat of a Las Vegas summer, the air conditioning of the massive arena was a welcome relief for the screaming fans as they waited for the show to begin. The sold-out crowd was there for one reason and one reason only: to see the chart-topping boy bands, One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer, take the stage. Little did they know that behind the scenes, the tensions were high and secrets were brewing.

As 5 Seconds of Summer, or 5SOS, took the stage as the opening act, lead singer Luke Hemmings could feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. Not only was he the youngest member of his band at just 18 years old, but he was also the one who seemed to be pulling double duty. While the other members of his group were busy rocking out and engaging with the fans, Luke found himself being pulled aside by management more often than not.

"Luke, we need you to meet with that model again," his manager would say, her voice dripping with urgency. "It's really important that you make a good impression." And so, Luke would dutifully follow her down the hallway, his heart racing as he prepared to face yet another stranger who was supposed to help repair his band's tarnished image.

Truth be told, Luke didn't want any of this. He didn't want the paparazzi following him, or the fake smiles, or the constant pressure from management. But he couldn't say anything. Not if he wanted to keep his band together. So he went along with it, even though it was killing him inside.

As he stood onstage, his heart thudding against his ribcage, Luke couldn't help but wonder when this nightmare would be over. When he could just be himself again, without having to worry about what anyone else thought. But for now, he had a show to put on. And so, he turned to the microphone and let his voice soar through the arena, hoping that somehow, somewhere, someone would understand.

The crowd ate it up, of course. They always did. They screamed and they cheered and they sang along to every word. But Luke couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from it all. He was going through the motions, performing for their entertainment, but he wasn't really there. Not really.

Meanwhile, backstage, the other members of One Direction, Niall, Harry, Louis, and Liam, were watching with growing concern. They had known Luke since they were all just kids, and they could see the stress etched into his features. They could see the way he clutched at his chest whenever he thought no one was looking. And they knew something had to be done.

After their set, they cornered Luke in his dressing room, their faces grave. "Are you okay, mate?" Liam asked, his voice gentle. "You don't have to do this, you know."

Luke looked up, surprise registering on his face. "Do what?" he asked, his voice barely audible over the din of the crowd.

"This whole fake girlfriend thing," Harry said, gesturing vaguely. "The model. The parties. It's not worth it, mate. You don't have to play along anymore."

For a moment, hope flared in Luke's chest. But then he remembered the NDA he'd signed, the threats management had made against him and his family. He couldn't confide in them, not yet. Not until he knew for sure that they could keep him safe.

"I'm fine, really," he said, forcing a smile. "It's just part of the job, you know?"

Niall shook his head, his expression sad. "That's not what we signed up for, mate. We're not just a product, you know? We're people too."

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