Chapter three: The bus station

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I sat in history watching the clock all lesson, watching the hands move around the circular plate. The bell finally rang, and I was first to leave. Again, I was power walking, I didn't feel like talking to anybody.
I got to the town centre and saw the bus station from a distance, as I got closer I saw my bus leaving and I wanted to run for it, but I just couldn't be bothered. I continued to walk slowly, I felt so tired. I got to the station, dropped my heavy bag and leaned on the bench. Well, I say bench, but they're not even benches. I looked over across the road from when I was, and saw her.


Jasmine wouldn't stop mythering me in geography, she kept throwing pencils and pieces of crumpled up paper at me, and getting all her friends to chant at me. She'll change her mind tomorrow, i mean she does it all the fucking time ugh.


Jesus, sometimes i give up on Meah. She doesnt know how to have fun!! Today she proper showed me up, its like she actually wants to be nice to that rat, Mary or something like that.


The sharp school bell rang, piercing my ears. I grabbed my bag and left the classroom, despite of the teacher's orders. I ran down the stairs, i didn't realise how light footed i was- i could hear my feet tapping down the stairs creating an echo in the empty staircase.
I went through the shortcut to get to town, its a quicker was to the bus station. I met the bus station and leaned on these benchy things.
I realised Mary was further down the shelter aisle i dunno what you call them.

"hey" Meah walked down to Mary, "you alright??
Mary, looks shocked as if she cant believe Meah is actually talking to her; "yeah, I guess. thanks"
"it's no problem, after all, jasmine did kinda push you to the ground"
"oh yeah, that happened" Mary giggled.
There was a small moment of silence until they both began to speak; "i.." "you.." They both laughed.
"you go first" Meah gestured, staring into Mary's hazel-green eyes.
"Why are you speaking to me? I mean, Jasmine's right, i'm just a stupid little rat." Mary began to gently tremble.
"Don't say that" Meah replied, sternly. "Jasmine knows nothing, if anything, she's a rat. You seem sweet, and chill and Jasmine only likes people who get there nails and makeup done, and bully's basically"
both busses arrive and Mary and Meah part ways.

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