Particular Classes

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Hours later at Tachibana's house he searched for his mum and run to her, excited for the good news.

"Mum, I'm going to start studying from tomorrrow!"

His mum looked at him surprised

"Dear... You've keep telling me this since your first year at that school..."

"No, I'm talking deadly serious, right now, I even have proofs!"

"Really? Why? How?"

"I... I got a particular teacher... He's going to come here after classes to help me pass all next week's exams!

His mum really seemed truly happy for his son fiinally showing some initiative for studying and smiled at him with her eyes.

"I'm so glad, Yuma... Come here!" She opened her arms to melt themselves in a deep embrace.

The next day, Tsunemori-sensei was therelike he said he wuld be, waiting outside Tachibana's front door after class and knocking it to signal he was there. He was in his usual clothing, a black suit with a black tie like always.

"Hey. Open the door" He exclaimed softly at his delay.

Tachibana just arrived from school and was changing his uniform to a comfortable outfit, but he arrived sooner than he said and when he opened the door, he was with an almost unbottened uniform shirt outside the pants.

"You came sooner than I expected..."

Tsunemori stopped as soon as the door opened, watching him as he stumbbled in front of him with his clothing half unbottoned. His eyes widened and his cheeks instantly turned slightly pink, he never ever considered having him answer the door in that condition.

"D-Damn it!! I warned you I'd come and you anwer like this!? Are you trying to tempt me?!"

"Tempt you?" Asked the young boy innocently and then looking down at his clothes. He suddenly felt a very deep embarassment and his face turned red. He put his arms around his lower parts and ran inside the house to change himself properly as his mum invited his teacher to enter inside.

The man in a suit put a hand over his eyes and sighed at the host's reaction, feeling slightly frustrated at how innocent and adorable he just had act about that. He entered at the house as he stepped inside and walked over to Tachibana's mum, nodding his head in a greeting maner to her.

"Excuse my intrussion, I'm the teacher who will be supervising your son from now on on his studying. My name's Tsunemori-sensei."

"Oh... It's a pleassure to finally meet you! My son has talked a lot about you! I'm Tachibana Akane, Yuma's mother" The woman said smiling and placing a hand on his chin.

The teacher's face created a surprised expression but tried to hide it at her statement and nodded, a small soft smile tugging at his lips. He was both amused at her kindness and also curious about why that boy has been talking about him so much to her. 

"It's a pleassure as well, I'll do my best to fix his behaviour and studies, I assure you"

"You're the first teacher who sees hope in my boy... He's not a bad person he's just... lacked of affection...

Tsunemori stayed silent for a moment, listening to the boy's mum explaining her situation and letting his eyes display sympathy and understanding this time. He nodded gently, in agreement at her words.

"I know he's far from being a bad person, he's just a bit... out of control and misbehaved... But I care enough about him to give him discipline and proper guidance for the future. So please don't worry, I'll take car of everything and I'll help your son become a responsible man."

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