The Kingmaker - Book Review

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Author: YouCanCallMeCorn

Book: The Kingmaker

Title:  -  3.5/5
Your title is very intriguing and unique, while also mostly connecting to the story. However, I do think it could have been a bit different as the title didn't seem to pull together the whole book, but that's just my personal take.

Cover:  -  5/5
Your cover is colorful and draws the reader in while connecting to the title and plot.

Grammar/Punctuation:  -  4/5
Your grammar is pretty good, a few areas were a bit difficult to understand and some of the names and their spellings were inconsistent but other than that everything was easy to understand. Also for as much as you wrote it's really good and it all makes sense, I was just nitpicking because I couldn't think of anything else :)

Characters:  -  10/10
I love how you put so much detail into your characters and their relationships, all your effort shows and really makes your story amazing!

Blurb:  -  15/15
I love how descriptive your blurb was and how you  also left the reader in question of which prince would be chosen. I also liked how you described the characters in detail, but didn't give away the whole story in your blurb.

Plot:  -  15/15
Though I am not familiar with manga, your plot is really good and filled with just the right amount of twists and turns to hook the reader without overwhelming them. I truly enjoyed this story and would recommend it to a friend.

Pacing:  -  20/20
Your pacing is amazing, you didn't write it too fast like a lot of new authors do with their first books, but you also didn't write it too slow therefore keeping the reader interested. It's packed with so much and you wrote it all at the perfect speed.

Creative Visualization:  -  22/25
Again I'm not familiar with manga but I assume that most of this was your own creativity, and it is truly amazing to me how much you packed into this!

Total  -  94.5/100

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