The House In Mordigan Wood - Book Review

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Author: memymonster

Book: The House In Mordigan Wood

Title:  -  4/5
Your title is simple yet almost mysterious in a way idk, but I like it. I also like how you made sure to connect it to the story. I only have one question, what is STA, is it a fandom or something?

Cover:  -  5/5
I like how you made your cover, how you  gave it the tree to connect to the book, and the pillars which are often related to Greek mythology. Also I think I read on your profile that you paint all your book covers, and that's really cool!

Grammar/Punctuation:  -  3/5
Your grammar is pretty good, there were a few chapters where it was harder to understand some parts, and if there was dialogue between more than 2 characters it got a little confusing, but other than that it was really good! You also wrote a lot so it's normal for that.

Characters:  -  6/10
Your characters are really good, I like their funny relationships and how you built them up. Some of their interactions seemed a little confusing and the characters didn't really seem to express how the situation they were in affected them, but other than that it was all good.

Blurb:  -  7/15
Your blurb definitely makes sense once you read the story, however I don't think it really gave much of a description about the book or its characters.

Plot:  -  15/15
I like how you made the plot simple, but also added enough twists and turns to keep it interesting and the readers hooked. I also just love how you incorporated Greek mythology!

Pacing:  -  15/20
Your pacing is definitely good, I did think some parts were a bit slow but that is just my opinion. Also I like how you didn't really rush or skip over anything, which is really good for your first book.

Creative Visualization:  - 23 /25
I love how you used Greek mythology, and I admire all the effort you put into it since you had to do your own worldbuilding and didn't just use a fandom. At least I don't think you did, I'm still not really sure what STA is.

Total  -  78/100

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