The Reality

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Rachel woke up again. Everything hurt. She looked over at her arm, heart pounding as she saw it gone. She was still in her dirty and worn uniform, splattered with blood. She tried sitting up or taking in her surroundings, but she couldn't make herself move. She tried to remember what all had happened since she had taken the assessments back in the commune. 

She didn't have time to think, because the door opened, footsteps ringing out across the floor. "You're awake?" A voice said. She looked around, couldn't find the source. She did, however, catch a glimpse of her bandaged arm- or well- what remained of it. She bit her lip to hold back whatever noise she was going to make.

"Who are you!? Where am I!?" She forced out of her mouth, her voice gravelly. The other person in the room finally came into view. It was the boy who had found her, clearly about her age. He was smaller than she had thought last night- or whenever it was, she had last been conscious. He fidgeted with his hands in front of him as he opened his mouth to answer the question.

"Uh- I'm Alder. You're in my makeshift clinic, I guess." He shrugged. He seemed very timid, causing Rachel to not be fearful of him. "Sorry for pistol-whipping you. I didn't really know how to best get you back. Oh- uh I tried to amputate it the best I could. All my stuff I used was sterile, don't worry."

Rachel nodded, finally gathering the strength to sit up. She had to get used to only using one arm to push herself up. She got her first good look at the room. It was quite nice, especially compared to the rest of the places she had seen outside of the forest. There was a giant window like the ones back in the commune. She also saw a lot of medical equipment on a table beside her bed.

"Well now that you know my name can you tell me yours?" He asked quietly, as if nervous she would refuse to do so. "Uh- its Rachel." She smiled weakly, feeling like she owed him some positivity after all he had done for her. 

She wondered how he had found all these supplies, but there were much more important things to get to now. "I don't know how I could ever express my gratitude... You saved my life, Alder! Why, though? You didn't even know me?!" She exclaimed. He certainly could have just left her die and not have wasted his resources.

"Well, it's not every day I see survivors- let alone ones my age! Well- friendly ones that is." He spoke. He blinked at her, eyes widening. "Or people from the forest. I thought you guys never passed the tree line?!" He added quickly. 

"Well- before the amalgamation attack, I thought the forest was the world. Like- that was where it ended. That's what we have been told our entire lives. There are others out here?" She shrugged. His eyes widened further. "You were attacked by an amalgamation?!" 

Rachel was confused now. "Yeah, what else would've done this much damage?" 
Alder began to play with his hands again. "Uh- another survivor...?" 
It was Rachel's turn to widen her eyes now. "That would just be cruel! Would people out here really do that?!" She was appalled at that idea that a human could do such a thing. 

"Well- yeah people up here aren't exactly nice. You know there are side effects from wounds inflicted by amalgamations!?" He asked tensely. Rachel was wondering why he had so quickly glazed over the first part, but she shook her head. "No, I never really saw any survivors. if you were attacked by one you never made it." She began to feel nervous now. "What do you mean- changes...?" 

He looked at his feet. "Uh- you might notice more aggression, more violent tendencies. Maybe some physical changes too. Usually, its growth of nails or teeth. I'm not sure how the science works, but I'm pretty sure most of these will be very minor for you as you had your limb amputated. Heck, you might not even experience them." He explained. 

Once again, Rachel's gratitude for Alder's help rose to the surface inside of her. "Oh. I see." She shivered, imagining herself changing like that. She hoped Alder was right. "But why were you fighting an amalgamation, anyways? I thought the forest people all lived in a city?"

"Well, we call it a commune, but the reason I was out near the tree line was because I was sent on a mission to- to save a squad of Rangers. My best friend was in that group... I failed her. I didn't save her." She felt tears begin to run down her cheeks. She sniffled, trying so hard to hold them in. Alder didn't need to see her cry. That was pathetic. 

But instead of making fun of her or telling her to suck it up, he patted her on her uninjured shoulder awkwardly. He was trying to comfort her, though. She appreciated the gesture. "Thanks..." She looked at her knees, continuing. "But I fought it. With only a knife after it had already killed her. I think I won, but it threw me into the river and sent me downstream."

She shuddered, remembering it's gnashing jaws and glistening fangs. She wished she could just forget. Forget everything. Or better yet, have none of it ever happen. "That's how I ended up here." She smiled weakly. Alder nodded along, His eyes wide, although they seemed to always be that way.

"I see. That's quite a story. What's your plan, now? Try to go back?" He asked. Rachel hadn't considered it yet, but she knew what she should answer. "Yeah. I have to, that's where I'm meant to be." Alder seemed disappointed but understanding also. "Do you remember what way you came from?" 

Rachel's eyes widened; she tried recalling that day. That horrible- horrible day of dragging herself along the road. She tried so hard. But it was all just a blur. She couldn't picture the place where she had been in the forest. She couldn't picture the street. Only quick whispers of these moments appeared.

"No. I have no idea..."

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