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this one will just be short and sweet :)

also hi. long time no update. oopsies 🤭


Taylor's POV

I slowly open my eyes and I squint, pulling the sheets over my eyes when the morning sun hits my face. I groan when a pair of hands pull the sheet away from my face.

"Good morning, babygirl." Travis places kisses across my face. I lightly push him away and bury my face in my pillow, causing him to chuckle. "Tay, it's 9am. You have an important meeting at eleven and I don't think Tree will be very happy with you if you miss it."

I give him a glare and pull the sheets up to my face. "It's too early." I say as I close my eyes again, hoping to fall back asleep.

Travis laughs and moves my hair out of my face. I open my eyes and he kisses my forehead. "I know you're tired, but if you fall back asleep, you're going to oversleep and miss your meeting leaving you to deal with the wrath of your publicist."

"Blah blah blah." I whisper and Travis does his best to keep a straight face. He pretends to be annoyed at my morning crankiness, but he secretly loves it.

"Baby, you can sleep after your meeting." He tries to pick me up, but I give him a swift kick to his upper thigh, just barely missing his dick.

Travis laughs out loud. "Hey now, watch the jewels. They're precious."

"Then let me sleep, baby."

He gets off the bed and yanks the sheets off my body. I sit up and look at him while rubbing my eyes. "Seriously Travis?"

He grins and walks over to me, laughing at my pouty expression. He places his hands on my cheeks and tilts my head up as he leans down to give me a kiss. After a couple seconds, he pulls away but I bring his face back down and press my lips to his.

He slips his tongue into my mouth and I pull him down onto the bed with me. I slip my hands under his shirt and run my fingers up and down his back as he caresses my thigh at the hem of my cotton shorts. A few seconds later, he breaks the kiss and looks me in eyes.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask as my brows furrow in confusion.

"Because you have to get up and get ready for your meeting. We both know that if we continue, you'll miss your meeting and Tree will kill us."

I playfully roll my eyes and caress his cheek. "I guess you're right." He smirks and I lightly slap his arm. "Don't get used to it, babe. That's probably the only time I'll say it."

Travis stands up and keeps me in his arms, letting me attach onto him like a koala. He places his hands on my ass and I give him a kiss.

"I love you, babygirl. Even when you're cranky and refusing to get out of bed."

"I love you more, Trav. Even when you're forcing me to get up by being a pain in my ass." I giggle and he smacks my ass.

Travis sets me down and caresses my cheeks. "Go get ready and I'll make us breakfast. I don't want Tree scolding me because I made her deal with my hangry girlfriend. The first time was bad enough."

I laugh before giving him a quick kiss. "Waffles?"

"Waffles it is. I love you, Tay."

"I love you more, Trav."


i lowkey wanna start writing an actual tayvis book but i have no ideas 🥲

ps the inspiration for wanting to write a tayvis is inspired by shiningjustforyou13 🤍 her writing is amazing. i highly recommend checking her books out!!

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