chapter 0: where am i?

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(???'s pov)

Everything feels so...cold

There i lay in the middle of nothing and everything, space so infinite yet so restraining, time existing yet not moving

Where am i?


"AAH FUCK" i woke up gasping for air that dream scared the living shit out of me

I turned off my phone alarm and checked the time "one more hour before school alright"

I took a bath before going downstairs going to the fridge and finding some leftover chicken from last night and went and heated it up in the frying pan

After reheating it i took out two plates and cut the chicken dividing it evenly between two plates

"time to wake that son of a bitch up" i made my way upstairs and went to the bedroom besides mine

I took a deep breath

"WAKE THE FUCK UP OBI!" I yelled as i burst trough the door immedeatly he scrambles and fell from his bed

That is obi a person I've been roommates with for about my entire life

He fell from his bed and looked at me "alright alright geez dude chillax" obi said chuckling before going to his bathroom

I sighed and made my way downstairs and began to eat while scrolling trough my phone a few minutes later he came down wearing his uniform and ate aswell

We talked about the usual things like, who's turn it is to do the chores, schoolwork that we haven't done, and tax evasion you know the usual stuff

After finishing our breakfast obi got his bag and prepared his book unlike him i already prepared mine last night before going to bed

He always calls me a tryhard for doing so

He arrived down with his bag and the two of us began walking to school while conversing with one another

(Timeskip brought to you by vex studying with lofi playing in the background)

Upon arriving to school we went into our separate classes i had math he had pe

Lucky bastard

Math class was well math class it sucked

I of course tried my best to pay attention since well i need good grades to pass the class

I look around seeing the other students either not paying attention or just flat out sleeping

I know that math class sucks but geez think about your future damnit, doing so is what got me this far anyway

(Timeskip brought to you by author having many incomplete math homeworks)

It was recess just a few more hours and i can get the hell outta this prison called school

I sat in a bench, infront of me is the desk, and in front of the desk is obi very descriptive i know

"So how'd your class go?" Obi asks his hands on his phone "eh just like usual boring and annoying its math class after all"

Obi laughs "well i had fun with mine it's p.e after all" he says as i scoff "lucky bastard" i say making him chuckle

"Damn right you are this is the power of obi luck babyyy" obi says

Ever since this son of a gun got lucky in a gacha pull he won't stop bragging about "obi luck" though it does get entertaining when the gacha eventually screws him over and his "obi luck" fails

For now i'll just enjoy the time i have left before recess unfortunately and inevitably ends

(Timeskip brought to you by obi getting shafted in dragon ball legends)

I soon make my way towards my final class history my 2nd least favourite class

Like why the hell do i gotta know what happened hundreds of years ago? It had nothing to do with me so why do i gotta give a damn

Either way me and obi make our way to class as i sit and obi sits besides me he immediately places his head on the table and says "wake me up when the teacher gets here" before going to sleep

How has a dude this reckless made it this far in life...oh right he's stubborn as hell

Lets just get this class over with

(Timeskip because fuck history class)

I make my way home and's just as uneventful as it always has been

Nothing interesting happened today, from the slice of life animes i,ve watched i though school would've been more interesting but unfortunately this isn't an anime

Its a wattpad story-

Anyways i make my way back home obi following behind "man i had a good sleep there" obi said as i sigh "you're lucky the teacher didn't show up today"

"Oh yeah speaking of which why didn't they show up" obi asked "im pretty sure they were sick or something" i say as obi laugh "man i hope they stay sick forever" obi says i just look at him "bro thats fucked up"

As we continue bickering i stopped obi and took look to the left and to the right, seeing no cars we continue our walk and when we took one fucking step into the road

" that a truck?" Obi say as i turn around to see a-



(Timeskip brought to you by police sirens)



I gasped awake ugh god my head hurts i just had a weird dream about being hit by a truck-

I look around...where the hell am i?

I seem to be in a forest of some sort i tried to move when suddenly i bumped into something

"Uuuugh five more minutes bro" i heard someone say i turn to see obi laying flat on his back asleep i look around then to myself

...where am i?

(End of chapter 0)

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