⚜️ 𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿

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Kuroo Tetsuro, a man who have been taking attention ever since he enrolled here in Academia.

There was in no doubt to the girls, he was an apple in the eye with how much of a beautiful man he was, adding that to his given height plus how wise and smart he was.

The girls of the academy called him; The perfect one, though for him- earning such title seemed goofy and he couldn't agree more when his friends would make fun of him for the given title.

The said man was now standing inside the mall , wearing a black T-shirt , tucked in his black jeans while sipping on his bubble tea. Today, Kuroo felt the urge to go and walk around the mall today since the professors gave them three days break from the academy's loaded work and piled up assessments.

"This academy might be huge but it barely has 200 students in it.. It's quite boring. " He sighed, taking another sip of the beverage he was holding as he proceed to walk around the mall.

Kuroo was tired of hearing whispers and gossips coming from female students from afar, at this point, he just wants them to approach him already. His train of boredom was suddenly interrupted when he crossed the stationary corner, his eyes blinking twice in surprise when he saw a rather familiar girl standing on her toes to reach up for something.

From the length of the hair, he noticed the girl was already carrying a lot of bags, even though he wasn't sure it was her, he still approached where she stood from her behind and reached for the item she's been wanting to reach.

"Thank you, " Upon hearing the voice- it only gave him the confirmation that he approached the right girl in his mind.

"Buying stationary I see. " He smiled and seeing her head look up, his eyes meeting hers and seeing her surprised reaction turning into a small smile, he couldn't help but let his smile widen too.

"Kuroo, are you here to buy some stationary too?"

"Nah, was just walking around the mall and saw you. "

"Well, thanks. "

"What's that, by the way? "

You then showed the item you just bought,

"It's a set of pens and designer pens. I've been wanting to have this and since the academy had a mall, I just know they have a place for the students as well."

ACADEMIA //𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂 𝗫 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿//Where stories live. Discover now