September :50 shades of......

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Hola sadda haqians (:
So this month you are gonna portray the one of the characters of the show in a light. Write something different and unique. Reveal that shade of the character that no one has ever thought of.
Word limit :if it's a OS than 700-2000 words and if it's a short story than 5-10 parts.
How to participate ~
¤Hash tags: saddahaqworld, shqFic, 50 shades, , *n other tags you want to*
¤Dedicate your work and if it's a short story, dedicate the blurb. Add the hash tags. Mention us. Comment your link.
Date of submission : Before october 30, 2015.
Inspiration :that picture above.
Best of luck ; )
P.s. you could use pictures, videos,songs n other stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2015 ⏰

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