1. Once a cheater, always a cheater

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Lauren didn't know why she even felt surprised. She shouldn't be. After all, she had a tendency to always fall for the wrong people. This time she thought things would be different. At least she had hoped it would be. The scene in front of her said otherwise.

"Lauren! It's not what it looks like!"

So her boyfriend of one year had finally noticed her presence.

"Really Dylan? So you're not balls deep into someone?" Lauren raised an eyebrow and folded her arms over her chest to hide her shaky hands.

Dylan pulled out and the stranger hurried to get dressed and fled the room.

"Babe... I love you. They don't mean anything." Dylan walked over to her.

Lauren closed her eyes and sighed. "They? So this isn't the first time. How many?"

"I... never mind. I have needs babe but I love you. It's not a big deal." Dylan tried to hug her but Lauren pushed him away.

"Don't fucking touch me! Not a big deal? You've been cheating on me, probably since day one. How could you?" Lauren's eyes started to water.

"Don't be such a fucking crybaby Lauren. It's just sex." Dylan rolled his eyes.

"We're done. Get out." Lauren shouted.

"Don't pretend that you're better than me. You'll come running back to me in no time." Dylan smirked and Lauren just wanted to slap him.

"I would never cheat. I deserve better." Lauren's lower lip started to tremble.

"Get down from your high horse Lauren. You'll come around. I invested too much in this relationship to let you go. Like you could find anyone better. Who the fuck would want you?" Dylan still had a smirk on his lips and stared coldly at her.

"Then I'll rather be alone. Get out now!" Lauren sounded defeated.

"I'll give you a couple of hours to calm down. I live here too. You'll be begging me to take you back. Bye for now, babe.” Dylan leaned in and pressed a sloppy kiss on Lauren's cheek before he turned around and walked out.

Lauren broke down crying as soon as the door closed. She laid down on the floor and curled into a ball. She wished she had someone to talk to. But the few friends she had before she met Dylan had disappeared. Dylan was the jealous type and he didn't want her to see anyone else. Lauren had followed him to the same college and she hadn't made any new friends so far. Not that she had tried anyway. She now realized how isolated her relationship with Dylan had made her. How come she hadn't seen that before?

God, she was such a failure. Dylan was right, who the hell would want her? Lauren felt a rush of anger shoot through her body. She wouldn't take that piece of shit back!

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and googled locksmiths in the area. She had to do this fast before Dylan returned. Five minutes later she had talked to a company that promised to be there right away.

She got up and went to the kitchen to find some garbage bags. She walked to the closet and started to throw down Dylan's clothes into the bags. She was in a frantic state, she just wanted to get rid of all his things before Dylan came home.

There was a knock on the door and Lauren froze in her place. Dylan couldn't be back already, could he? She inhaled sharply before she walked over to open the door. She relaxed instantly when she realized that it was the locksmith. Good! She went to get the contract for the apartment to confirm that she was the only one assigned to it.

She felt really grateful at the moment that Dylan had payment defaults and couldn't rent a place because of it, even if she always had wondered how he had managed to get that at such a young age.

She went back to packing while the locksmith started to change the lock. Most of the things in the small apartment were her own.

She made a raid in the bathroom and collected Dylan's hygiene products. She finished her packing with some of the personal stuff Dylan had scattered all over the place. He was messy!

She remembered the laundry basket and turned it upside down in search of some of Dylan's dirty clothes.

When she finally had packed all of Dylan's things she took the bags and put them outside the door. The locksmith had successfully changed the lock and gave her the keys and an invoice. She made sure to thank him before she locked the door behind him.

She leaned against the door with her eyes closed before she picked up her phone again and texted Dylan to tell him to pick up his stuff outside the door.

Her eyes fell on the bed. She was gonna have to sleep in the same bed where her now ex-boyfriend fucked someone else. She couldn't afford to buy a new one. Hell, she wouldn't be able to afford this apartment by herself. She would have to find an extra job. With a deep sigh, Lauren stepped up to the bed and started to strip it from the bed linen.

She at least refused to sleep in sex dirty sheets from Dylan's sex escapade. She wondered how often she had slept in it during the last year without knowing.

Tears started to form in her eyes again and she blinked them away. Dylan didn't deserve her tears.

She dumped the dirty sheets in the laundry basket. Maybe she should just burn them?

She picked up new ones and made the bed before she laid down. She stared at the ceiling for half an hour until she heard someone trying to unlock the door. That made her smirk.

"Lauren! Open up!” Dylan shouted and banged on the door.

She walked over to the door. "No! You don't live here anymore. Take your shit and get out of here."

"Don't be ridiculous, babe. This is our apartment."

She always cringed at the way Dylan said babe.

"No, it's my name on the contract. The flat's mine."

"You worthless piece of shit. I'll never let you go. You'll take me back." Dylan shouted angrily.

Lauren closed her eyes and went back to bed. She pulled the cover over her head and started to cry silently. She felt so lonely. She just wanted to be loved. Apparently, it was too much to ask for.

Dylan had gone away and taken his things with him but Lauren was sure that it wasn't the last she would see of him.

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