6. The kiss

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They had continued to talk about different things to get to know each other. Lauren found Camila easy to talk to. Time flew and they left Lauren's flat to go home to Camila's place to meet the girls. Lauren felt nervous again. Camila held her hand when they stood outside her door.


"No. Let's do this anyway." Lauren mumbled and swallowed nervously.

The girls came and greeted them as soon as they entered the apartment. Camila offered to give Lauren a tour of the place and Lauren accepted immediately. They walked through the kitchen and living room, peeked inside Ally, Normani, and Dinah's rooms before Camila stopped outside a fourth door. "This is my room.”

She opened the door and they stepped inside. Lauren looked around. It was nothing like she had imagined it. A king-sized bed took up most of the room. It looked comfortable and some fairy lights hung on the headboard. The walls were painted in a dark turquoise color and there was an old desk in dark wood that matched the bed frame and bedside tables. The bed had a creamy white cover that matched the curtains.

"Wow! It's beautiful. Really cozy. I love it!" Lauren smiled a sunshine smile and looked up at Camila with sparkling eyes.

Camila looked relieved. "Glad you like it." She smiled.

They went back to the living room where the girls sat chatting. Camila sat down in one of the sofas and pulled Lauren down into her lap. Lauren blushed instantly. Camila chuckled and put her arms around her ‘girlfriend’.

"Look how cute they are!" Dinah cooed.

Lauren and Camila rolled their eyes simultaneously.

"So Lauren, tell us all about yourself. You must be really special if you have managed to capture Camila's heart." Ally smiled.

Lauren's stomach dropped and she felt like shit but Camila hugged her closer like she was silently trying to reassure her that it was okay.

They small talked for a while and Lauren really enjoyed it. The girls were friendly and funny and she smiled more than she had done in a lifetime.

Normani was eyeing them before she spoke up.

"You're great Lauren but I still have a hard time believing Camila got herself a girlfriend."

Lauren gulped nervously and she could feel Camila's body tense.

"So kiss!" Normani smirked and Dinah and Ally cheered.

Camila rolled her eyes and leaned in to peck Lauren's cheek.

"No! That was like you were kissing your granny. A proper one!" Dinah complained.

Camila frowned.

"Stop making Lauren uncomfortable guys. Behave for christ's sake! We don't have to snog in front of you to prove anything.”

"Defensive much? I imagine you kiss all the time. What's the big deal?" Normani questioned with an ironic smirk.

Lauren shifted in Camila's lap so she was facing her ‘girlfriend’ instead. She put her arms around Camila's neck and mouthed an “okay?” Camila nodded her head and cupped Lauren's cheek before she leaned in to press her lips against Lauren's.

They both froze for a second before they slowly started to move their lips together. Lauren's skin erupted into goosebumps from Camila's soft, plump lips. She was about to break the kiss when Camila put a hand on the back of her neck and pulled her closer. Lauren gasped and Camila snuck her tongue inside and deepened the kiss. Camila's arm around Lauren's lower back started to draw circles on her skin. Lauren grasped Camila's t-shirt and she let out a whimper. Her other hand found its way to Camila's curls and she tugged her hair. Camila let out a low moan into Lauren's mouth and Lauren couldn't help but roll her hips against Camila's crotch. She pushed herself closer.

They were interrupted by loud wolf whistles and Dinah shouted: "Get a room!"

It seemed like they both had forgotten the audience in the room, too caught up in the moment. Camila and Lauren broke free from the kiss and stared at each other in shock. Both their pupils were blown and they blushed at the same time. Camila cleared her voice and let go of Lauren who immediately got up from Camila's lap and positioned herself beside her on the couch instead.

They finally looked over at the girls who were all grinning at them.

"Wow." Ally sounded.

"That was hot!" Dinah shouted.

"I was just messing with you guys, no need to turn it into a porno.” Normani smirked.

"Sorry, I have a sexy girlfriend. Can't help it." Camila mumbled.

Lauren started to giggle. This was absurd! Camila soon started to laugh and the rest of the girls followed.

Lauren touched her lips with her fingers. They were still swollen from the kiss. That kiss blew her mind. She had never kissed someone like that. She couldn't stop thinking of it. She wondered if it had been the same for Camila? Probably not. She should just try and forget about it. It was all an act. She had to remind herself that this was a fake relationship.

"It's getting late. Do you want me to walk you home?" Camila's voice ended her daydreaming.

Lauren turned to face her ‘girlfriend’. "Naaah, it's not far. I'll manage."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, yeah." Lauren stood up. "Thanks for tonight guys. I had fun."

The girls hummed in agreement and said their goodbyes. Camila walked her out. She turned to face Lauren when they were out of sight and Lauren got all nervous again. Camila seemed to hesitate.

"Lo...that kiss..."

Lauren cut her off. She didn't want to hear Camila dismiss it.

"Great acting Camz. They bought it." Camila furrowed her eyebrows for a second before she put on a blank facial expression.

"Right. Walk safely. Talk to you later. Bye Lo."

"Bye Camz."

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