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I woke up with my head pounding and my phone dead, with Macey laying beside me. I got up and plugged in my phone, I poured us glasses of water and some pills since I assume she will have one too. I take mine and lay there waiting for it to kick in, when my phone turned on I had flooded notifications of people texting me and replying to my story, which I couldn't recall posting anything. I look at my story and see videos of us dancing and singing, luckily I posted this on my private story and not my public. I saw Haiden texted me earlier that night

Haiden 🏍️: hey it seems like your having fun, be safe and drink water and I'll text you in the morning 🤍

Me: goodmorning, I didn't even know I posted those till this morning haha. I'm good now, just a headache

Haiden 🏍️: Oh damn, well have a good day!

Me: thanks you too :)

I shut my phone off and me and Macey got dressed, I wore a sweatshirt and shorts and Macey wore the same. We went to eat breakfast at the dining hall, walking into the place to see more kids eating with their friends. We met up with Maceys friends and ate our breakfasts together. I grabbed a plate and headed to the waffles grabbing 2 with some breakfast sausage and a coffee. When we were talking with her friends last night came up, "did you hear Jen got roofied last night at like 1AM. It was an hour after you guys left." Trevor told us. "No way, i remember you telling me you had a bad feeling when we left" I said speaking to Macey. "You're right, that's odd" she says. We ate the rest and me and Macey spent the day together shopping and spending time together. When it was tuesday, my last day to be with her I was packing my bags and Mabel into my car while she waited next to my car with some of her friends. Once I was done I said my goodbyes hugging them all. I decided to drive home without stopping for the night, so I stopped and got 4 redbulls and some snacks. Many hours in I was screaming Break Free by Ariana Grande as I went down the freeway. I had 10 hours left so I mostly listened to upbeat songs and crushed redbulls to stay awake, it was nearly 2am and I felt the power of the redbulls, cracking the window to feel the chilly breeze on my face. Almost 10 hours later I finally rolled into town, I turned my music down and eventually got into my driveway. I parked in the driveway and got out. I grabbed Mabel and left my other bags to grab later, we went inside the house and into my room. I let her out and grabbed my pajamas, putting them on and getting into bed and falling asleep. I woke up Thursday morning and my door was cracked open and Mabel left. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen. My mom was up making coffee. "Goodmorning hun" she said. "Good morning, it's Thursday?" I asked. "Yeah, you got home at like noon yesterday so I just left you to sleep until you woke up, I fed Mabel so she's fine, you've got practice at 10 so I would recommend getting ready since it's 9" she tells me, I grab a waffle and  hold it while I got ready for the day, eating it as I go. I went out to the garage and put my gear on when some of my team pulled into my driveway, it was Burton and my manager Devin. "Goodmorning Whit, you ready to ride?" Devin asked. "Yeah I'm ready" I say. "Ok we just have to go over things first," he pauses and pulls something out of the truck. "This is your jersey for the weekend, we picked one of your designs and we saw that you wanted an all black jersey to match your bike with some white highlights so we got you that, also we got a couple of temporary white graphics to add to your bike, it will look really nice. So my buddy Dave is on his way and is gonna put them on if you want, that cool?" He says. "Yeah that's awesome! It's gonna look sick" I say. At the start of the year I give him jersey ideas for every round, there are 15 rounds a year and he gets me 15 jerseys for each weekend, also a couple of practicing jerseys, which I usually just keep them black and white. I put on my practice gear and got my bike ready. I have a practice bike and a race bike which is convenient so Dave can work on my graphics while I practice. Me and Burton go out to my backyard track and I start warming up, then going back to my gate and riding normally, I did this for a couple more hours than normal days because I took Monday Tuesday and Wednesday off to be with Macey. At 3pm I finally was satisfied with my time and got off the track, Burton hopped on the back and we rode back to the garage. When we got into the garage Dave and Devin were talking and I parked my bike. I took off my gear and hung it up, then went over to Devin and Dave. "Wow this looks nice!" I say, my bike was now all black with some white highlights and my new Jersey draped over it, I took a picture of them, sending it to dad. I talked with Devin Dave and Burton more and soon they left. I walked over to the barn to clean up when Haiden FaceTimed me. "Hii!" I said "hey pretty lady whatcha doing?" He says making me smile, since it was almost 5pm he was in his garage taking his dirtbike gear off. "I'm just cleaning up the barn and the horses, stinky needs a bath" I say bringing my horse Cash into the frame. "Haha he's not stinky he's just a boy" he joked. We talked more while I washed all the horses and cleaned out their stalls, as well as feeding them. When I was done it looked like it was their first night in a brand new spotless barn. I walked back to the house and sat on the porch "hey ma's making dinner do you want me to call you after?"
I ask "yeah I'll be free around 7" we said our goodbyes and I hung up, going into the kitchen for dinner.

My favorite girl~ Haiden DeeganWhere stories live. Discover now