Strange Guests

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Rina chewed her finger tips.

The hum of the high definition speakers thrummed through her body, vibrations travelling up the soft grey rug through her toes, up pale legs adorned with painful patterns, past her chest and landing neatly on her ears.

She stared up at the TV. The newscaster stared back. Muted words read at the bottom of the screen, words like 'android', 'attack', and 'deviancy' travelling across the screen until they fell into a void at the edge.

The words tingled inside of her, beating through her as if she had a pulse. She listened to the music and tried to ignore them, lifting one foot up at a time to stretch her body out and gazed instead at the white walls that raised and curved like ocean waves.

A hand pressed on her shoulder, and she realised her eyes had been closed. "Troubled?"

Her body slowly swivelled to face Earl and his clear face was shaped into a caring smile. She organised her mind, feeling that she could benefit from more rest. "Curious," she smiled, taking the drink held in his extended arm and gulping down the bitter lemon.

She couldn't taste it. There was no need for her to: she knew how bitter lemon and vodka was supposed to taste, and so she knew how to react. Her insides would sort out the liquid and she would drain it later, when she had time.

"They're finally fighting back," Earl looked upward to the screen and fell back on the large sofa, centred in the almost barren room. Behind him, a painting bigger than any TV Rina had ever seen splayed colour onto the otherwise bland walls. Reds, oranges, pinks, and slights of greens and blues danced in a chaotic manner, and she admired it as Earl fell.


Earl didn't seem to hear her, spoke into to his glass instead. "Shouldn't have fucking fired me... Now, they're running for my help. What an irony, kitten. Delicious." 

Rina glanced briefly back to the television, watched for a small second flashing images of supposed deviant androids flash across the screen, and switched it off. Something beneath her programming hummed with interest -- the same interest she felt gazing out at the electric city in the dead of night, -- but Earl came first. 

Rina knew Earl's features; studied the way they played and fell when he was feeling certain ways. Perhaps it was how he'd built her -- to be observant, respondent, -- but she liked to believe it was something integral to her, individually, and was why the other androids in the house didn't reap the same benefits she did. If Earl's thin, untamed eyebrows were hiked up he could be softened with a joke, a flirting tease. If straight lips were tugged into a frown, tight creases around his eyes taut and flinching, it was best to leave him be. Now, he ground his jaw back and forth and scanned across an empty room, likely envisioning some blaze of glory in his mind. In this state, Rina knew it was best to stoke the fire with adoration and, preferably (for him), sex. 

She slotted into his parting knees, leaning playfully into one hip. "They lost out," she murmured. "I can't say I'm unhappy." 

Earl's nostrils flared, his lip curling into a smirk. Taking one, huffing swig from his drink, he sighed out a breath. "Come here." Earl allowed Rina to slot herself onto his lap, straddling his crotch. 

She danced fingers up a soft linen shirt, licked at the tip of her nails and closed her eyes, groaning. "Enchante," she breathed. "My favourite." 

Earl wrapped an arm around her waist, tugged her tight. "Of course it is. I made you that way." 

It was a usual joke for Earl, and normally Rina leaned into the tease of it, but today she recognised a leering glare across Earl's face. A distinct rattle of power, unnecessary tightness in his fist. Calm Earl down, her senses flashed, overpowering every other thing. "Be careful," she smirked, leaning into his lips and letting the words linger in his breath. "It's not smart to tease somebody with their knee on your balls." 

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