05 | Ice Cream

135 9 7

Jang Hana

I decided to go take a walk in the park. It was the safest option, and plus, i could try call Taz while i did so. 

I made my way around the lake, the cool breeze sending shivers down my spine. It was quite hot, so the wind was just what i needed. I took my phone out and scrolled onto Taz's contact, then hit the ring button.

Please pick up.

The number you have called is unavailable right now. Please try again later.

Stupid voicemail lady. 

I gave a frustrated sigh and walked over to a bench. I sat down and crossed my legs and then my arms. I probably looked like a brat right then, but i didn't even care. 

She slapped me. It wasn't the first time, and it definitely wasn't the last time. Yet it still hurt. Inside. It hurt when your own mother made sure your life was hell.

She used to be the best mother I could have ever asked for. People change, I guess. Me included.

"why do you always look like you're running away from something, every time I see you?" a familiar voice travelled through my ears as someone took a seat next to me. Too close. 

"Running away from you," i replied, turning to Minho. "why're you here?"

"why're you here?" there it was again. Turning my own questions around on me. That just made me dislike him EVEN MORE. 

"cos I can be," i muttered. "go away."

"Pochacco, that's not very nice."

"Take the hint," i stood up, brushed my hands down my thighs, then walked away. Why did he keep popping up everywhere? 

It took me a second to realise he was following me. 

"goddamn, what's wrong with you?" i asked in an annoyed tone. 

"what's wrong with you?"


"stop what?"

"turning my own questions around on me," i said. "that's the third time you've done it today."

"glad to see you're keeping count," he said. "seriously, are you okay?" Now his tone was soft, as if he was actually concerned. I gave him a quick glance, only to realise he was looking right back at me. I looked away. It was impossible not to answer him.

"N...yeah," i said.

"no yeah?"

"Yeah," i repeated, more firmly. 

"You know you can talk to me?"

"I don't want to talk to you," i said, maybe a bit more harshly that intended. A flash of hurt appeared on his face for a split seconds, but it disappeared. Great, now he guilt tripped me. "thank you though." i sent him a quick smile, which he returned. 

He had a pretty smile.

"hey," he said suddenly. I looked at him. 


"wanna get ice cream?" he pointed over to the ice cream stall. I smiled.

"sounds tempting," i said. "but i don't have any money." that was a lie, i just had to save it for more important things.

"well i have," he said, then grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the stall.

"i guess i can pay you back tomorrow..." i bit my lip. i didn't have enough money to pay boys back for ice cream.

"No, you don't have to," he said. "it's on me."

"why're you being so nice?"

"i'm always nice, Pochacco." 

"oh yeah, i guess that's why you swore at me the first time we met."

"i don't remember the details." he said, then winked. "glad to see you do."

Fuck him. I huffed and allowed him to guide me to the stall and pick my flavour. Chocolate, of course. He picked mint choc chip, a second favourite of mine. We made our way back to the bench and sat down in silence.

"thank you, by the way," i said. 

"you're very much welcome."

why's he gotta be so posh?

"Pochacco?" he said suddenly. i turned my head towards him.

"that's not my name."

"it is now," he said. "But you never answered my first question that i asked you."

"when you asked me who the fuck walks that closely behind someone?" i recalled that moment from a couple of days ago. "me, of course." he laughed.

"Not that one," he said. "i mean about your favourite colour."

"Oh!" i said. "mint. why? it's such a random question."

"mine too," he said. "and i asked because when you want to get to know someone, you ask basic questions. you never know when you'll need it next."

"Why...why do you want to get to know me?" i asked. 

"you're weird," he replied simply. 

"so i've been told," i muttered. My phone buzzed, and i immediately took it out. 

"someone's eager," minho laughed. i nodded and checked the notification, then sighed. it was just an email, not a text from Taz.

"Who're you texting, anyway?" he asked once again. Why was it such a big problem?

"No one," i said. "family friend."

"never seen someone so eager over a family friend," he murmured. I rolled my eyes.

"shut up," i muttered, giving him a nudge. He grinned, and i let out a little giggle, then regretted it. 

I'm supposed to be staying away from him, not the opposite.

"i should get home," i said, standing up. He turned to me, a confused expression on his face. 

"already?" he said. Was that a hint of disappointment in his voice?

"Yeah, my mum said I had to be back before 8," i said. 

"it's 7.30."

"which is before 8."

"right..." he stared at me. "are you sure you're okay?" 

"I'm fine." i said firmly. 

"alright," he shrugged and took another lick of his ice cream. "If you ever wanna talk, you know where to find me."

"i'm sure Jisoo would love that," i murmured, too quietly for him to hear. I cleared my throat. "thank you. and thanks for the ice cream." i brushed myself off. "see you tomorrow." 

"bye Pochacco," i heard his soft voice call from behind. 

Making haste, I made my way up the street. There were flowers in a bush. Purple flowers, they looked pretty. I liked flowers. I glanced over to the other side of the busy street. There was a huge shop, which looked like it probably sold...everything. Then I saw it. The picture on the window, human sized. 


The pattern on Danielle's bag.

"victory," i murmured to myself, a smile creeping up on my face. The smile faded when I realised I had turned into my street. Time to face my mother after storming off for an hour.

I slowly put the keys in the keyhole, and twisted them. The lock clicked, and the door slowly opened, letting out a creak as it did so. I slipped my shoes off and tiptoed upstairs. 

I quickly stripped down my clothes and started running the shower. The steam soon condensed against the wall, and I stepped into the warm water. The water ran down my face my body, and down the drain. I closed my eyes. 

This is what you call a dead shower.

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