Chapter 1: the morning Routine

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The first rays of sunshine shined through my thin curtains, casting a soft glow over my bedroom. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed, Stretching the sleep from my limbs. The familier weight of dread settled over me as I listened for any sounds from downstairs. The house was quiet-for now.

I stood and crossed the room to my closet, grabbing a simple but cheerful yellow dress.I slipped it on and tied my long blond wavy hair into a loose ponytail. Yellow always made me feel a bit brighter, no matter what the day held.

My mother's voice, sharp and cutting, broke the silence. ''Lila! Get down here and make breakfast. Now!''

I flinched but quickly smoothed my dress and forced a smile onto my face. I made my way downstairs, where my parents were already seated at the kitchen table. My mothers eyes bore into me, filled with disaprovel. My father sat silently, reading the newspaper his presence as oppresive as ever.

''Hurry up.'' my mother snapped. ''you are always so slow. Useless whore.

''I'm sorry''. I murmured, moving quickly to the stove. I prepared breakfast with practiced efficiency, my hands moving almost automatically. I set the plactes on the table, hoping for a moment of piece.

My father glanced up from his paper, his eyes narrowing. ''you call this breakfast?'' he sneered. ''It's cold. Can't you do anything right?''

I bit my lip, fighting back the tears.''I'll make it again.'' I said quietly, taking the plates back.

''No forget it,'' my mother said, waving her hand dismissively.''just get out of our sight.''

I nodded, reatreating to the hallway to grab my bag. I could hear my parents voices, harsh and critical, even as I closed the door behind me. Outside, I took a deep breath, savoring the fresh air. The walk to the flower shop was my sanctuary, the only time I felt truly free.

As I walked, I let the morning sun warm my face, my spirits lifting with each step. The city was waking up, and I greeted the familiar sights with a smile. The corner café, the park where children played, and finally, the little flower shop on the corner of the city.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside, the scent of flowers instantly calmimg my nerves. Here, among the blooms and the gentle hum on the shop, I felt safe. I put on my apron and set to work, arranging the flowers for the day.

My mind wandered as I worked thinking about my future, about finding a way to escape from my abusive parents. I dreamed of a place where I could be happy. Where my smile wasn't a mask but a reflection of my true feelings.

The bell above the door jingles bringin me back to the present. I turned with my brighr smile, ready to welcome my first costumer of the day.

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