chapter 2: Shadows at home

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The day at the flower shop passed in a blur of petals and perfume air. Customers came and went, and each one left with a piece of my sunshine, a bouquet of happiness in their arms. By the time I closed up the shop, the sky was  painted with the hues of sunset. I lingered a bit longer, savoring the tranquility before heading home.

The walk back was always harder. Each step felt heavier as the comforting presence of the shop faded behind me, replaced by the looming shadow of my parents house. I took a deep breath and steeled myself before turning the corner and walking up the familiar path to the front door.

As soon as I stepped inside, the oppressive atmosphere hit me. My mother was in the living room, her face pinched with irration as she glanced up from the tv.

"Where have you been?" She demanded.
"You're late."

"I'm sorry, it was really busy at the shop." I explained keeping my voice soft trying not to make her any angrier. I moved quickly to the kitchen hoping that they would just let it go.

My father was already there,  his presence fillling the room like a strom cloud. He looked up from his beer, eyes narrowing as they settled on me.

"Do you really think you can just walk in here whenever you want?" he growled.'' You're not doing enough around this house. You are just a burden.''

''I'm sorry.'' I whispered, the words slipping automaticaly out of my mouth. ''I'll start making dinner right away.'' I force a quick smile on my face.

He rose from his chair, and I felt my heart beat faster. ''Sorry isn't good enough.'' he said, his voice low and dangerous. ''You are always sorry, But you never change.''

I kept my eyes down, focusing on the kitchen counter as i began to prepare dinner. My hands shook, and i struggled to keep my composure. I knew better then than to talk back, to try and defend myself. That never ended well.

He moved closer, I could feel the heat of his anger radiating off him. ''Look at me when I am talking to you," he demanded, grabbing my arm and yanking me around to face him. His grip was painfully thight, and I winced.

''You're useless.'' He spat. ''A complete waste of space. I don't know why we keep you around.''

''I'm sorry.'' I repeated my voice trembling. ''I'll do better. I'll be better. I promise.

''Damn right you will.''he snarled, raising his hand. I braced myself, knowing what's coming. The slap landed hard across my face, my cheeks sting of the force from the slap. My eyes began to water but I refused to let the tears fall. 

But he didn't stop there. His other hand followed, slapping me again but then the other cheek. ''You are worthless.'' These word echo in my head. I have heard them my whole life. But still it hurts. Sometimes it hurts more then the slaps kicks beatings. Most people say you can destroy someone by hitting them. Yes it will destroy them. But if you destroy someone mentally? I think that is worse.


''I'll do better.'' I whispered again, my voice barely audible, more to myself than to him. 

''You think you can just smile and make everything better huh?'' he taunted, grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking my head back. I gasped in pain, trying to keep my breathing steady. ''That smile of yours is pathetic. It won't save you.''

He shoved me away, and I stumbled, cathing myself on the edgo of the counter. My scalp throbbed where he had pulled my hair and myi cheekas burned with the impact of his slaps. My hands were trembling as I reached for a pot to start dinner.

''Get your act together,'' he muttered, returning to his beer. ''And don't mess up dinner, if it's anything like breakfast you will regret it.''

I nodded quickly, keeping my eyes down. I moved through the motions of preparing dinner, the familiar tasks helping to ground me. My body ached, but I focused on the task at hand, knowing I couldn't afford to make another mistake.

Dinner was silent, but also filled with tension. I ate quickly, avoiding my parents eyes. My mother's occasional glares and my father's simmering anger made each bite taste like ash. As soon as the meal ws over, I washed the dishes and went upstairs to my room.

Once safely inside, I closed the door and sank to the floor, finally leeting the tears fall. The sobs leaving my mouth, releasing all the pain and fear I have had from these past few hours. In a quiet room, I allowed myself to break down for a moment. I hugged my knees to my chest. Trying to comfort myself.

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