Gojo instantly saw my change of expression. "What's wrong?" He demanded.

I held up a hand as Kimberly laughed in my ear. "You died, Y/n," she said. "It didn't take long for me to join you."

"Y-you died too?" I was too shocked to speak correctly.

"Yeah. My dad apparently was the driver in that truck. He had killed you on purpose. Then he killed me because he thought we were still friends." She snorted. "I hadn't been able to tell him about our fight."

"But you came back to life? Here?" I said.

"Duh. But I'm a Curse User. Not a Sorcerer." She sighed. "Soon, I'll be joined by the love of my life."

"I will not allow you to hurt Itadori," I growled.

"I doubt you can stop me. I bet your techniques are useless."

"Bitch," I bit out. "Watch yourself. Because I am not weak."

"Please." I could practically hear her rolling her eyes. "You cowered in fear when you were bullied. What makes you think you'll be fine now?"

"Because I'm stronger." I glanced at Gojo and saw he was waiting for me to get off the phone. Pretty sure he was guessing that someone from my world showed up here though. "And I'm not alone," I added.

"You think Satoru Gojo can keep you safe? Sukuna kills him, remember?"

"He comes back to life," I snapped. "He's frickin' unkillable."

"We'll see." She hung up.

"Dammit all to hell and back," I hissed angrily.

"What?" Gojo said.

"Oh, nothing. Just my ex-best friend died and came back alive here. As a Curse User. Never mind the fact that she's also in love with fucking Sukuna and will do anything to get him to come back." I started pacing trying to get my anger under control.

He was watching me. "I think this is the first time I've seen you angry."

I snorted. "I only just woke up this morning." I froze. "I had the same injuries from when I died, right?"

He frowned. "That's what you told us those injuries were."

I nodded slowly. "So say that someone had been stabbed to death. She would have to go to the hospital, right?"

"Unless she was found by someone who could do Reverse Cure Technique, yes."

I bit my lip and pulled out my phone again. "I'm going to regret this," I informed Gojo then called Kimberly back.

"That was fast," she commented.

"Are you going by the same name?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Hmm. I haven't decided. I check in here under the name Ruth Hunt but I'm not sure I like that..." She cursed. "Damn, you, Y/n."

I hung up and looked at Gojo. "So do you think Ijichi might be able to find the hospital where a Ruth Hunt is?"

"Why?" He asked.

"I'm going to take care of a problem before it even starts," I replied.

He nodded and called Ijichi, told him what he needed, then hung up. "He'll call back when he has the information." He paused. "How did you know she would tell you?"

I smiled. "She loves bragging so I knew she would tell me her name now to show how 'clever' she is."

"I see." His phone rang and he listened as Ijichi talked. "Thanks." He hung up. "Okay, come on."

"Who said you're coming?" I asked. 

"Since you asked me to call Ijichi."

"I don't have his number!" Something I'm now going to fix if this is the response I get for asking.

He turned to me. "Y/n, you're trying to hide it but I know you don't want to fight your friend."

I glared even though he couldn't see my eyes. "As a matter of fact, I do want to fight her. You have no idea what she said when I was back in that world."

"Planning to share?"

"No," I bit out. "Fine. You can come but let me do all the talking and fighting."

He shrugged. "Fine. But I was going to go with you even if you told me not to." 

He led the way and when we got there I walked up to the receptionist. "Hi, I'm here to see Ruth Hunt," I said calmly. 

"Are you family?"

"That closest family she has," I said with fake sadness in my voice. "Her whole family died a couple of years ago so she just has me now. Her best friend." I barely held back the disgust in my voice when I said that. I saw Gojo's mouth twitch. "Shut up," I muttered at him.

"I didn't say anything," he muttered back as the receptionist talked to someone on the phone.

"You were thinking it."

"Thinking what?"

"That I'm no longer Kimberly's friend."

He shook his head. "Not what I was thinking. I was thinking you're a pretty good liar and a good actress."

I blushed and looked away. "Thanks."

Ther receptionist looked at me. "You can go. She's in room 6B."

I smiled. "Thanks." I paused. "Uh, can he come too?" I tilted my head in Gojo's direction. She nodded and I motioned him to follow. At 6B I knocked then walked in.

She glared. "How dare you."

I snorted. "How dare I what? Find you?"

"You tricked me!" She glanced behind me and scowled. "Did you have to bring him with you?"

I made a face. "I had no choice. I have to be watched all the time. He volunteered."

She snorted. "So you get the guy of your dreams to keep an eye on you?"

I turned bright red. "Kimberly!" I turned to Gojo. "Ignore what she just said. It's not true."

"Is too," she said.

I looked away from Gojo, pretty sure he was looking at me questioningly. "It is not," I said sharply. "Keep this up and I'll tell Sukuna how you feel."

She rolled her eyes. "Hate to say it but, when are you going to talk to him? Itadori is pretty much in control all the time."

"Sukuna can still hear everything that's going on," I snapped. I shoved my blindfold down and our eyes met. I smirked and put my blindfold on.

"Why are you smirking?" She demanded.

"Because you met my eyes, now I can make you do whatever I want," I said snickering.

She blinked. "What?"

"It's one of my techniques." I sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Leave Sukuna alone," I said with authority.

I saw her pale as the order took her. "Bitch," she snarled.

I gave her a thoughtful look then looked at Gojo. "Want me to tell her to leave you alone too?"

He shook his head. "Nah. Pretty sure I can take her."

I shrugged. "You're choice." I looked at her. "See you around." I walked out of the hospital room and went outside.

"So, shall we talk about what she said?" Gojo asked.

I glanced at him. "Which part?"

"The part where she said I was the man of your dreams?"

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