Save Him Chapter 5

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"I thought we told you not to go out with him", Zayn said once Harry left my house. I shrugged. "I'm sorry, guys. I love him so much." I said. The boys looked at me like I was stupid. "How dare you disobey us", Liam said. I got really mad then. "Disobey? Liam! I did not disobey you. I just didn't do what you told me. And plus, who the fuck cares what you guys say? I'm with him and you're just jealous because he loves me and that's something you guys will never do". I say with tears in my eyes. They all were crying. We were all crying. "So, that's how you feel about us? Right? We're nothing to you? Absolutley nothing" Zayn said softly. "Fine, go and have your precious Harry. Leave me out of it". Zayn left without another word. "No,  Zayn. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean..." It was way too late. He was gone. I turned around to face Liam and Niall. They looked like they were gonna leave me too. "Can you guys just go then?" I asked. There was no argument. They left. To this day, I wish I had listened to them. "At this point, I don't think you should see him anymore", Niall's words reapeated in my head. There was basically nothing to do anymore. I didn't want to sleep and I didn't want to eat. I just wanted to lie down.

I called Harry to come and comfort me. He wasn't doing a very good job of it. "It's alright though", he kept saying. "No, it will never be". I kept saying. Once he said it enough times, I got angry. "Stop saying that everything will be alright, because it won't be. It just won't be". He got up and he slapped me. I fell to the floor and I was bleeding. Not on my cheek, but my arm was bleeding since there was glass all over the floor. "Get up", he said, pushing me to the ground once more. "Harry, what are you..." He kept pushing me onto the ground until I couldn't walk anymore. "Listen, you piece of shit", he started. "Never yell at me like that... Ever again". I got up, but was wobbly sitting up on the couch. "I love you", he said walking away. How was I so stupid? I was very scared, I couldn't breathe. But I was afraid. If I left him, he might hurt himself, or worse... me. I tried to call the guys again, but their phones went to voicemail. "Shit". I thought to myself. I remembered a time when Harry and I went to Disney and we were happy. "I have anger manangement problems, and I'm getting help for them" He told me. The question was, was he actually getting treatment? And did he have anger management problems? Or was he really abusive. I'd come to find out that he was nothing that I could've ever imagined in my whole entire life!

"Liam, Niall, Zayn" The three of the only friends that I've ever had. They were there for me since the beginning, and now since Harry came along, they've left. They've moved on. I usually see them around. But they will never speak to me again. After I was totally abused and abandoned. They've never spoken to me. Now, I'm out on my own. No friends, and nobody that you can call your own. It's really scary. Do you know that feeling of waking up every morning and not having anyone by your side so you can feel safe and secure? I have. But anyway, let's get back to the story. The beating never ended. It was like every single time I said something he didn't like or if I yelled at him, he'd abuse me. I'm a really srtong girl, but I'm not the type to be hurt and abused like this. "You're so stupid" He told me once. He spat the words at me like I was his slave, and I was supposed to do everything he said. And if I didn't, he'd abuse me until I said that was enough. Why you ask did I stay with him again? I just found out yesterday that I was pregnant and I'm really scared to tell him because he might abuse me or worse, leave me alone to manage this baby all alone. But I can't do it alone. I'm too weak to do anything right now. But I have to tell him somehow. I just gotta let him know.

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