Intro -- A/N !!

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Greetings, everyone! I know I have another oneshot book on my profile, but sometimes it's good to take breaks from certain things and work on other writing projects which I tend to do a lot. But I am wanting to branch out with my writing, practicing things I haven't wrote before, so here we are. I will be doing the same with my other fic which I should really rewrite the intro.......

Okay, moving away from that. I would like to lay some ground rules, I am not the best with this and I wouldn't come off as too mean. First of all, there will be updates. They will be shown in my community posts, the updates will either be about fics I am writing or some life updates and things I think people be aware of if I'm gone for too long.

Second, like always. I will not make NSFW fics, I am aware that sometimes people at the age of 9-12 read these types of fics (I was only of those people..). So, I wish to keep off my page. Another reason though is because I am not comfortable with sexualizing things that bring me comfort, idk if this'll change. But for now, it's enforced!

Thirdly, this one's about requests! Yes, you may request fics for me to write and I will have a list for me to write them. You are allowed to ask questions on the progress on a request (please, do that in my community posts). I will also show share the list with others in the community post if I remember too.

Another thing is that if you find a grammar issue in any of my fics, don't be afraid to tell me as I do have grammar issues and ADHD. It is hard to write and I don't like going through my writing a lot, but I am working on doing that if I wish to be better. 

Also, please don't pressure me when it comes to publishing things. EX: asking too much about it, asking for the release date, & wanting it be out at that very moment. When it comes to this type of pressure, I get overwhelmed and never end up finishing it. This could cause me to disappear for awhile again which I don't want to do, asking like once or twice per week is fine. But space it out throughout the week. I know some people get impatient when it comes to things, I myself get like that. But I am a person with mental issues and lacking a ton of motivation as I wasn't the person I use to be 2 years ago, so I would like to not be pressured and be given patience like others when it comes to things. I probably sound rude, I'm sorry.

Other than that, rewrites of my previous scarian oneshots will be done. I will attempt to rewrite as much as I can, but I can't guarantee that, some of it will be different and some will stay the same when it comes to design explaining (which I think I am better at), punctuation, writing style, and how they speak. I will still say AUs that each fic is based on and I will try and be more clear on their pronouns when it comes to that!

But that is all I will be saying, thank you taking your time and reading this! I hope you all have great day and/or night! :D

[ Fic Requests go here. ]

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