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The clouds were getting dense and signs of thunder was evident in the sky.

"What proof?!" Seojoon asked annoyed.

~"A shocking proof has come to our hands revealing that Kim V had intimate relations with the Victim-"~

"Bullshit!!" Kai stated.

~"and what is an even bigger revelation is the said Victim was one of His trainees who admired Him a lot. Seems like Kim V took advantage of the poor girl's admiration to end an innocent life!"~

"I am going to kill her!!" Jungkook growled.

"I'll help!" the voice surprised everyone.

"What are you guys doing here?!! It's only been five days!!" Seojoon said confused seeing his brother and sister-in-law.

"Hyung you obviously don't expect us to enjoy our Honeymoon when our Bear is facing this Shit!" Hobi said pissed.

"But Noon-"

~"...See this!! This photograph is the biggest Proof to understand Kim V is nothing but a Pervert who takes advantage of young people! Shame on you Kim V! This News Channel will always stand for what's right!!"~

"That's it!!"


"AAAAHHH!" shouted a girl in immense pain. Although in a few seconds met with another slap and fell on the floor. Held her cheeks and wiped a little blood from the corner of her lips, widening her eyes.
"How ah dare you?!!" She shouted, "Do you know who I-AAH!" she was met with another slap from someone else this time.
"What is wrong with you?! Guards!!" although she shouted but saw her Guards halting their steps after seeing the well built professional bodygurds.
'Who are you?!" she was pissed out of humiliation.

"Your Doom!" a scary husky voice said freezing everyone.

"W-what d-do you m-mean?" she was scared now. The most infamous journalist of current times was Su Leena. She knew how to plot a case in her own way. Never bothered about the impact that her story could have on people. She had hereditary money which she used to start a news channel but it could never gain the fame as most of the 'Exclusive News' were later peoven to be fake. Except for the stories, she put infront of everyone, no matter how wrong they were her presentation left a huge impact.

"Su Leena.." sarcastically chuckled a voice. "Start counting your days."

"What?!" Su Leena shouted.

"DON'T shout you Bitch!!" she was speechless and scared. Nobody went to her aid when she was trembling in fear.

"What makes you so sure that the photo you presented was not tampered?" The whole office realised that they havn't checked that.
"I thought so..Here.." Beomgyu extended an envelope towards her.

"What is this?" she asked taking it.

"That is a Defamation warning notice for you Ms. Su." a calm professional voice of Yeonjun said.

"What? Why?!" Su Leena was shocked as noone ever dared to say something against her, she stopped them with force but this time..

"For spreading bullshit about my Husband and trying to Defame him!" Jungkook said calmly but his eyes were burning.

"Hus-band?" Su Leena was confused.

"Just because our Bear prefers privacy you can't lie on National Television!!" Yoongi said.

"Next vague news on my Husband.." Jungkook went close to her slowly, intimidating her to the T. "I will make sure you never get to see sunlight!" Jungkook said keeping inches of distance from her. "Understood?" He said softly but didn't get any reaction,
"I said..UNDERSTOOD?!" She trembled and fell on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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