🎂Cake 2/2🎂

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So I'm taking back what's mine 

You'll miss the slice of Heaven that I gave to you last night

Yuu only smiled brightly at the sight of you putting your hands against your face to cover your expression, you felt your ears light up into flames. The two gingers in the room chuckled to themselves, making your head snap towards the two.

"SHUDDUP" You squealed, making the two shut up, noticing your extreme embarrassment, Yuu smoothly passed the cake to Deuce and pulled you into the dorm and hugged you from the side, "I bet it was super duper lonely without us today? Hm?" Yuu shot you a smug look, to which you quickly recovered and rolled your eyes.

"Oh please!"

"Oh come on, don't wanna admit to your herbivore friends that you missed them? Hm? Tell that to the sandwich back there," Leona suddenly spoke up, his words sounding like a purr, making your mind turn back to the action of you throwing your lunch against a tree.

"What about a sandwich?" Ace perked up, a sly smirk on his face as he appeared on your other side, saturating your embarrassment more, "Ace," you pushed a hard hand onto his shoulder, surprising him and Yuu, "If you open your mouth, I will actually-"

You were suddenly pulled back by a pair of arms, away from the duo by none other than Cater, everyone's favorite super senior! "Come on Velvy! We're here to celebrate! Not to threaten each other! Come on! We baked the cake for you~!"

"Did Yuu and Trey carry?"

"Yuu and Trey carried."

You softened your expression anyway, turning your head to look at Deuce then at the cutely decorated cake in his hands, a smile bent your lips as you stopped yourself and really looked at the situation. The people you've met all gathered for your "one month anniversary" here- or as Yuu called it, your birthday.

You would never admit that everyone coming here for your makeshift birthday would make you feel all warm inside, hell no. But the little light in your eyes that shined in your eyes as Riddle lit the candles up with his magical staff, it told everyone the unspoken words of gratitude and stayed put within your head.

Cater was READY, holding out his cutely accessorized phone and pressing record, making sure your cute little face was in 4k HD, he was so happy to see your face on record, snapping a respective picture of you and the cake, he was like a photographer taking pictures of a model. He was ecstatic to finally see your smile once again, in such perfect and warm lighting too!

Trey enjoyed the look of excitement and warmth on your face, it may have been the dim lights and candlelights but something about it made your expression look raw, it made him think about the time you and him talked when you came over to talk to Riddle- the heavenly cloud white color in your eyes really spurred something within him. He was over the moon when he saw that you liked his cake. (He assigns cakes based off of personality- and he is never wrong 100%)

Ace was grinning ear to ear ever since he heard news about your anniversary slash birthday party surprise, and the little tease that Leona sent only made him grin harder, Leona already told the ginger that you threw a sandwich (your lunch) with a sulky little expression. Not to mention he was secretly glancing your way all day, noticing your RBF and more agitated demeanor, it all made him feel better about himself, knowing that you needed him for company- isn'T that just the EQUIVALENT OF A CRUSH??? RIGHT?? Ahem.. right?????

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