Part one!

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Hello, a note from the author THIS IS FAKE! I wanted to make a funny pick me story with my friends, so enjoy!.

My Alarm went off, as I slowly opened my eyes as my pretty blue orbs fluttered. I slowly sat up and yawned stretching as a cute tiny kitten. Ah! what a nice day as the sun shined on my nice brown silky hair! Oh no... I glanced at the clock... 8:30?? IM LATE! I jumped out of bed and raced to get changed. I wore sweats and a hoodie cause... I'm not like other girls. As i quickly got up I raced downstairs shoving a toast in my mouth. As I waved goodbye to my mom I put on my converse and no high heels because. I'm one of the boys! As I ran to school I tripped. "Sorry.. I'm just so smawll!" I said as i got up and brushed myself off. I got up and ran past him. He glared with disgust as I ran like a cute anime girl! Ah man! I'm not trying to be cute!! whatevs! As I ran to school I looked at my watch. Perfect timing!!! Not to late in my opinion. I ran into my class and bumped into my teacher Mr. Gyat!  "Sorry I'm late S-s-s-sir!" I spoke with a cute high pitch voice as I put my finger up to my nose side ways, as it had a drawing of a mooststash as I said "Deerpy!" As I gigged I'm so derpy and not like the others UWU! As I sat down school went on for what i felt like.. FOREVER!!! As soon as the bell rang I ran home quickly to see my alpha!!!!! I ran home and opened my house door and ran upstairs throwing my backpack on the floor and opened my bedroom door. To find it... C-c-CLEAN? Oh no.. Mom had cleaned my room... I gulped as i slowly opened my special drawer.. Phew.. My secret phone is still in the same place. I took it out and flopped on my bed.. I was shaking happily as i unlocked it with the passcode of 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 I opened it and clicked onto discord... My user being UwUkitten2000... I had 10 messages.. from each of my ten alphas I shivered as I opened the first one. 

"Hey kitten... I'll give you V-bucks if you meow with ur voice." He said

"Oh hey alpha!! Purmeow!  Wowie! V-V-bucks?? what would i buy with that and how much? UwU~"

"I'll give you 5,000."

Oh!!!! this is big.. i thought okay!!

"M-Meow!!~" I Said

"Thanks. Solid stuff"

I wondered why he wanted it but i didn't Care.. I got v bucks!! maybe i can flex on da boyzzz! 

I jumped with glee as i deleted discorded and locked the iphone locking it in my safe in my dresser as I turned on my tiny school laptop that ran on 3848456245742657847526437 Fps. I grabbed my pink kitty headphones with cat ears and anime stickers as i loaded up my discord on my computer and joined a call. The boyz all greeted me as we played all night!!!!

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