Chapter 13 combat test

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Knight Academy, Square!

One by one, the high-level members of the Red Maple family came, including Russell, Herbert, Howard, Calvin, Bojia, and Lundat. The patriarchs of the six major families personally attended.

As one of the seven major families of the Red Maple family, the news of the imminent birth of the first heir of the Campbell family was indeed significant.

"The Count is here!"

With a loud shout, the crowd parted in the middle, and Kevin Herbert, full of solemnity, walked through the crowd and came to stand in front of Lorgo.

After observing for a moment, the ninth-tier peak slaughter knight, with his hyper-sensitive perception, enveloped Lorgo.

Lorgo subconsciously tensed his muscles, but soon relaxed.

After about ten seconds, a hint of surprise flashed in Herbert's eyes, and his previously serious expression softened.

But he didn't rush to make a conclusion, instead he looked at the middle-aged man next to him, dressed in a red mage robe with a rugged face.

Douglas Bojia, 110 years old, also known as the Flame Mage, is an eighth-tier fire elemental practitioner specializing in the School of Thaumaturgy.

Douglas knew exactly what the Count meant. He spoke up, saying, "We have already conducted tests with bloodline instruments. All bodily indicators are normal, with robust and resilient life source qualities. Although the mental power is very active, it is surprisingly stable, with no issues!"

At the same time, Douglas used mental magic to transmit to Count Herbert, "Stable soul wavelength, pure soul body, no impurities or negative energies, which rules out the possibility of spiritual invasion!"

Hearing this, Herbert finally felt completely reassured.

His demeanor softened, "Very well, the second awakening of your bloodline will greatly enhance your growth potential. Work hard in your future training and do not disappoint Augustus's expectations!"

With this statement, Herbert essentially confirmed that Lorgo's breakthrough had no problems.

As his words fell, the previously quiet atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Everyone was very surprised, and then a large number of curious gazes gathered on the nervous Katherine and the conflicted Sisi.

Upon hearing the Count's words, the reactions of the two were quite different. Sisi appeared extremely disappointed, his face drooping, listless, reminiscent of Lorgo's demeanor in the past.

Katherine's face turned gloomy, as if water could drip from it, veins bulging on her forehead, giving her a somewhat fierce appearance.

But she didn't have the courage to confront Count Herbert's words directly, so she could only endure it silently.

"There's still a chance, there's still a chance. As long as he fails the combat test, there's still a chance..."

Katherine kept repeating this in her mind, unconsciously clenching the hem of her skirt, her fingers turning blue.

Only Sisi could take charge of the Campbell family, and only then could she secure enough resources for herself. If the position of patriarch was taken by Lorgo, then...

"Are you ready for the combat test?" Count Herbert looked at Lorgo and asked with a gentle tone.

"I'm ready anytime!" Lorgo replied firmly, and nearby, the excited butler Lundat quickly handed him the war scythe in his hands.

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