"Unhinged Lover" - Idia Shroud

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Idia Using Grim for his own benefits to get your attention. 

Warning: Angst, animal abuse, justification of a crime, chronically online people, yandere, kidnapping, black mailing, weaboo, poisoning.

 Ever since Idia Overbolted incident You decided to put a Tracking device on Grim Collar. It's probably taking a bit of privacy privilege away from Grim but you don't want him to get hurt or get kidnapped again. You are worried and deeply care for the Cat Raccoon guy, he's the only one who comforted you when you were missing home, crying in your bedroom alone he's always there to listen. So you put aan emergency button for him to press in the collar just in case. Grim is out studying with Adeuce duo plus Jack tutoring them, it's been an hour since he left. Lately Grim had been coming back tired from studying hard to become a mage, and you feel sorta proud and yet worried that he's over working himself. Idia been talking to you more now, the both of you seem to grow closer. He showed you sone animes that reminded you of the ones you watch back at your world. He even ask u to play games some times, and of course you still feels uncomfortable after the incident so you declined the invitation to his dorm.
You were chatting with Malleus, he talks about gargoyles and you listen full heartedly. It was all nice and all until your phone rang. It wasn't a call but it was the emergency button that been place on grim. You quickly open the app to the tracker and see grim wasn't in the library that he told you about, rather the location was in Ignihyde. You stood up angrily making Malleus look at your sudden behavior, you excuse yourself to him quickly and turned your heels to ran to the mirror halls. Malleus waved slowly looking concerns but he went back to his own dormitoryYou dial Ace number while running, he answered rather quickly. "Hey~ Perfe- woah what's up" He was snarky before getting concerns by hearing your breathing. "Ace why is Grim at Ignihyde i thought he was studying with you!" You yelled to the phone with hitched breaths. "What no? We never been studying together- why?" He sounds confused and that click you. "Oh that little- thank you Ace, talk to you later" You end the call before he could say goodbye or ask anything.You arrived at Ignihyde and saw Ortho he looks Panic-ish when he see you. You demand Ortho to ask him where is Grim, but Ortho don't answer and told you to leave. Filled with rage and frustration you push Ortho aside and look at the location on the phone, it directed towards a room. Ortho keep pushing you not to enter, which pissed you off even more. You bust the door open and saw grim strap in a vertical metal bed that's holding him upside down. Grim eye's were red from crying, the corner of his mouth is coming out Green neon like Liquid. Idia was Surprised as hell he looks like a kid that got caught playing on his phone pass bedtime. You heard Grim sobbed out your name is a weak tired voice he seems almost going to passed out. ".... Idia Shroud, what the fucking hell on earth did you do to Grim! Leave him alone on whatever your crazy little experiment is this" You voice filled with rage, your face his all heated up from the pent up anger. "Ah Y/n-shi~ I'm not really sorry but He's the ticket that i can get into your heart" His voice is slurred up in a very lovey dove tone. It made you mentally gagged on the inside "What the fuck- Ortho what the fuck is going on?" You view went to Ortho who seems to be Standing still next to his brother looking innocent. "Ehh But Y/n. My brother is in love with you! You can't say that when he's only doing it for your love!" Ortho justified his brother action."I-i- really? What the fuck this is so wrong- you know there's another way to do that you Fucking assholes" You Were absolutely devastating and frustrated with the both of the shrouds brothers. "Ahh but that's boring, you should add more spice to a romance anime am i right?" Idia explained in the most maniacal way you ever heard. You're to tired to argue with them you just want Grim in your arms right now. "Give Grim to me and we'll talk about this" Idia and Ortho seems suprise at your acceptance of your defeat, they look at each other before Idia unstrap Grim from the bed and handing him out to you. You couldn't control your emotions and carefully grab Grim as if he's made of the most expensive diamond in the world. There's was tears in the corner of your eyes but you held it in, trying mot to appear weak to the 2 guys in front of you. "So whats your offer Darling~" Idia called for what you want to talk to him, you know exactly what he wants and it's the most degenerate thing you could think off There's was a moment of pause before you kick Idia the shin's making him fall to the ground. Ortho was surprised as well and go to help his brother. "Fuck you don't touch my fucking cat you disgusting shut in!" You shouted as you bolt out of the Dorm carrying grim in your arms.You were nearly back at the Ramshackle dorm. You heard Grim cough. "Y/n can i have some tuna?" He ask weakly as his paw pat your chest. "Of course... Many as you want" You held Grim closer to you. Idia and Ortho is now On the Ramshackle DNI list.

[this is longer than the rook one huh...]

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