I can't leave.
I'm a bird trapped in a cage.
There's a twist.
The cage is open.
I should be free.
But I am blind and I can't see.
I plucked out my eyes voluntarily.
In hopes you'd stitch the wounds for me.I'm a bird trapped in a cage.
A metaphor for life, and you turn my page.
For your love, I've sworn—
Now all the pages are torn.I fly around my cage hitting the walls.
Each time I stumble and fall.
Nowhere are you to be seen in the midst of it all.
If you were though, you'd just stare as I crawl.I'm a bird trapped in a cage.
Now my wing is broken.
"Will you fix me?"
I cry.
Will this be how your love is awoken?
Forgive me—
Now I've misspoken.I cannot leave.
I am trapped.
Falling for you was a mishap.
I'm breaking myself to try to fly away.
Through it all I'm convinced I want to stay.I'm a bird trapped in a cage.
With the door wide open,
Key in hand,
And delusion center stage.