Let me introduce these trio, Niko, Aiki and Mae, they've been best friends for 5 years, what a strong bond of friendship, right? okay, I will start to introduce them to you. Firstly, Niko, he is a definition of pure introverted person, he don't like socializing at all, but a smart one, and love science. Second, Aiki, she is academic achiever, a smart one too, low-key cold type of person sometime but still cares, she loves drawing. Finally, Mae, she is smart too but depending on her mood, love singing, but she is what we call emotionally sensitive but a caring person too.
Should we start on their story?
(Let's begin!)

2 weeks
RandomTaking a break from social media for your betterment for yourself is a good thing, however, does this making the situation worst for another special person in your life? maybe yes or no? Niko came back from being hiatus online in 2 weeks, he didn't...