Chapter 1:Total Blackness or should I say whiteness

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As it all went black I saw this little flash of light.At this very moment I was scared."Maybe the teacher killed me?"I asked myself."Eh...If she would have killed me I'd probably be a demon right now."I answered my own question cause who wouldn't? Just saying.

"Hello my name is Katherine Lamar I'll be your instructor today!"This person from outer space said in an enthusiastic tone.

Okay I got to confess this is getting every time more creepier.

"Uh...Hi."I said shyly and awkwardly.

"You are Blake Marshall right?"The person from outer space asked.I wonder how she knew my name though.Huh I'm popular on outerspace...Who wouldn't love me I mean like look at me.Sarcasm by the way.

"Yes indeed I am her"Answering the question the room went from black to a very white lab revealing Katherine's identity or outerspace person how ever you'd like to call her.She shaked my hand and Oh my god I AM TOUCHING AN EXTRA TERRASTRIAL PERSON THIS IS SO COOL!
"Well is very pleasant to meet you darling as I may explain what this is right now."She smiled and continued explaining."This is a program for people like you that have special abilities like yours is time traveling as in other words yes darling you can change your story as you wanted.Anyways so people like you are taken to this lab to help us people will decide if they want to help us if you decide no we will expose you to the government,if you decide to do these favors with your power we will try our best to protect you.Your father did this experiment with you which made you have the codes to time travel and we indeed need the ability to time travel to help some clients get the equipment they need."She explained how the program worked but did I really want my life at risk?nope.

"Now the question is would you like to help us?"She asked with an evil tone like Maleficent.

I put one hand infront of me and thought about class where I think I was safer or was I? Suddenly I felt strength and time running back to 8:50 AM where they asked me the question.I was back here at my desk.

"Well then class is time for a student to tell their story today and today's spot is for Blake Marshall"She said."Blake would you tell us your story?" She asked nicely for once.Everything went silent and everyone started laughing then this girl came out of nowhere calling and calling.
She kept calling.
"What is it?"Mrs. Lawrence asked.
"The government they're here and they want to take Blake Marshall"
Everyone went to hide running desperately.When I look back two very white tall men have grabbed me and taken me to this weird car where they'd be taking me to a lab I guess is was true,what Katherine said was real I was gonna be taken and who knows what else they where gonna do to me.Placed me in a completely closed grey room where only two chairs and a table where seating inside it.They sat me in a very uncomfortable chair and left me there with no power.

"Blake Marshall what are you?"The very white tall man asked.

"I am an extra terrestrial mother trucker that is going to kill you"I said evilly joking."Did you really believe that?"I asked.
He nodded.
"I've gotten better at sarcasm acting I guess"I laughed"I am a female earthling person and I'm serious about this answer"I cleared things up.
"This isn't a joke sweetheart"I heard a voice coming from I don't know where but I knew this voice,I'd recognize it anywhere which was making me nervous what was the government doing with my dad?
"Dad" I mumbled.
"WHERE.IS.HE?!" I asked aggressively.
"Answer the questions and I'll say"He answered demanding me to answer his fucking useless questions.
"CALM DOWM"The man said screaming at me back aggressively I pushed the folders off the table and ran to where the door was.
The thing was I knew the potential my power had and how to use it so I placed my hand over my heart and let the energy out making an explosion in the room making the emergency fire alarm go on everyone was running to get out.I found my dad in a chair bleeding he was being tortured I took his arm and made him run till the exit.Finally we found a safe place I hugged him and he said."Darling you need to be strong and you need to fight for justice now go forget about me and go back to where Erick left you I'll be fine there and so will you." I trusted him, I trusted my power.
I put one hand up and thought about the day that my best friend left me.Suddenly I was back there.
"Blake this is my new girlfriend I hope you like her"He said.
Honestly I didn't want to lose him again I wanted to change my story for once make it happier than how it is in the present.
"Erick she's great for you."I said not knowing how badly everything was going to change...

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