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Everything I was afraid of happening, happened.

Arjun's POV

Stifling an another sigh, I ran my eyes over the polished, silver watch cuffed firmly around my wrist once again, being a little exasperated.

I waited for my wife to make an appearance, expeditiously as the little men of ours, put in a plea for pastry, so here I've plumped myself on a chair for past two hours, glancing at my watch, many a time in one of the most famed yet prominent bakery of the city. 

"By the way, she could be driven by a driver here."

An exasperating voice came from the back of mind and I turned a deaf ear to its half-witted words.

The workaholic personality of mine, cackled with a mockery laughter as it's hard to swallow the actuality for him that I let out my hard pressed soul somewhere else except from bedroom to Office.

I gave a light tap on my lap, searching for my wife and in a heartbeat my eyes found her draped in a red saree, her hair falling in soft waves, Her smile curled her lips into what feels like a beam of light for my dead, cold heart.

However, an ache grabbed hold of my heart and twisted, when my eyes fell on a young lad, standing beside her much closely and was sharing a heartily laugh with her.

Unknowingly my lips twitched obnoxiously, my eyes slightly squinted and blazed with invisible scorching sensation.

My fist ballad at side cause of sudden change in my neutral mood which dipped in oddly yet triggered vibes and before I could be aware about my next move, my steps marched towards in the direction of my wife.

Aadrika felt my presence as she was introduced by my scent. And following moment, she found my towering height over shadowing her shadow, a wide grin touched her lips and she appeared to be in much better mood right now as her body gestures suddenly appear to squeeze out bubbles of jouissance.

"Mr. Raichand,  he's my husband." And in fleeting moment, she put across the identity of mine in her mesmerizing voice.

Somewhere, deep inside of my heart, I liked the way how she chose to introduce me as her husband rather than by my name or by my prominent profession.

"Abhimanyu Raichand, the Wing Commander of Indian Air force." His words without a shadow of uncertainty were reflecting the supercilious, a smirk drew at the corner of his lips and a moment later, he pulled out his hand for a handshake.

"Arjun Singhania, the Chief Executive Officer of Royal Ruygal Airlines." I couldn't help but took a notice of his hand drawing back a bit, nevertheless I collapsed my hand with his in a firm handshake.

"Mr. Raichand, Let me have my wife now as I hope your conversation with her is over." The words immediately slipped out from my tongue in an austere manner before I could even stop them.

"Ye-Ye-yeah s-sure." He nodded his head, letting out a nervous laugh and in the midst of rush, we wend our way outside of the bakery.

At the precise moment we stepped outside of the bakery, my eyes on a sudden fell on her face and I noticed her button nose and ears were dusted with the shade of pink and red, her lashes were bowing down shyly and that actually made me fought back a smile, I could feel the twitch in my fingers and before I could be aware about my next move, my hands gave a tender pat to her head.

I took a notice of her shoulders shudder slightly for a split second and her cheeks ablaze with a fervent natural blush, as if they were painted in the hues of crimson.

Her lashes fluttered and she flickered her eyelids up in my direction and when her eyes eventually bored into mine, a frown planted itself between her brows, displaying her chagrin. 

And then she quickly tiptoed herself, since my wife is only 5'3" she truly exerted a lot of efforts to reach at the level of my shoulders as she can only reach my chest.

She made an attempt to tousle and ruffled my hair with her hand mischievously, but it quickly became a pointless endeavor yet a futile exercise, I snickered but she shoot me a deadly dagger that a layer of seal shrouded my lips.

"There is no way you are a pookie, Mr. Singhania." She exclaimed and turned away her head, averting her gaze from my face.

"Pardon?" My curiosity about this unfamiliar word prompted me to interrogated.

"Pookie is a  word of endearment that describe something cute as it is an adorable nickname some people might give to something or someone they see as very cute and lovely but for you-." She swept her gaze hurriedly from my head to toe and a moment later, scrunched her nose while shaking away her head in incredulity. 

"See! By your so called I-am-a-cold-ass actions made you lost the opportunity to be nicknamed by your beautiful wife for the first time! However, I believe that your stupid ass is smitten with that absurd nickname"Iceberg."

My subconsciousness on a sudden gave utterance to a few most astonished yet unexpected words of my life, causing me to swallow a huge lump of saliva, formed in my throat.

But My heart felt a sudden flare of joy as a quiet contentment spread through me, Though it has become commonplace for me to receive lines of flattery yet compliments from girls, but none of them had elevated my mood except this one, that  dared my heart to unfold like a flower.

But unexpectedly on the spur of the moment a message popped in my phone, causing me to draw my brows together in puzzlement, it read;

I extend my deepest apology for the tribulation, Sir. However, under some critical circumstances a high-priority meeting with our new clients has to be attended right now"- Your PA, Akriti Sinha.

I jabbed my inner cheeks in aggravation, and was overcome with the desire to curse the universe for robbing even a few minutes with her. 

Darting out the tip of my tongue, wetting my chapped lips, I began to cudgeled my brain, thinking hard about the meeting.

"Mr. Singhania, I still have a lot of stuff to buy, so if it is okay with you, you can attend your meeting there in that cafe."
Advisingly, she gestured to the mini cafe with her finger. .

"Smart". My mind clicked, nodding my head in agreement, I stroll ahead towards the cafe but on the spur of the moment, I spinned around.

"Mrs. Singhania, be careful." Clamorously, the words pulled out of my tongue without a warning and she simply nodded her head, passing me that beautiful smile of hers.

My feet stayed there momentarily until I noticed her fading figure, getting lost in the throng of people, But right then, I felt an unfamiliar ache grabbed hold of my heart.

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