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His love looks pretty on her.

Author's POV

The meeting which was bordering of two hours eventually came to an end and heaving a sigh of repose, Arjun stretched his legs to wend his way outside but a light yet cold chain of uneasiness lashed together his heart and heavy yet rebellious rain of thoughts started to pour inside of his heart, drenching it completely with the memories of her.

He tried to fight the feeling of bothered by drawing a deep, lungful amount of air however, a nerve-racking yet familiar feeling started to create a havoc hurricane inside of his heart, stealing the new founded calmness of his soul.

His Phone pinned with a message and he immediately ran his eyes on it, that read."When you'll be done with meeting, come to the newly built mall, Mr. Iceberg oops Mr. Singhania hehehe."

Unknowingly, a small yet secretive smile stretched across his lips and he couldn't help but gave a thought about how her eyes must had sparkled with mischief like a shimmering diamond when she thought to send him this text or how did her lips curve into that shy smile, like a delicate flower blooming in the spring.

And a few seconds afterward, he gave an incredulous shake of his head and walked off toward his car.

Minutes passed away in a daze, Arjun got out of his car and strode across the road, making his way towards the mall but in an instant a crowd surged forward, a sea of moving bodies jostling each other, a chaotic mass of bodies pressing against each others. Voices roses and fell in a symphony of chatter.

"There is a fire." Someone from the crowd let out a wail.

In the past four years, for the first time his unresponsive heartbeat quickened rapidly and it beat like a drum in his chest.

It's like a sudden thunderstorm in his well built chest and on that moment, he felt like as if his cold heart was trying to leap out of his ribcage and it was screaming for released so that it could just have a glimpse of her, each beat a cry of anguish that echo through his body.

"kindly, drive your expensive car away from this crowded area, sir. I would appreciate your consideration." A young police officer asserted but on that moment, it was the last thing for him to concern about.

And as he picked up the pace, he carelessly waved his hand in the air. Unbeknownst to him, his feet shot toward the mall, and he found himself breathing quickly and shallowly as a result of the sudden panic that was rising inside of him.

Before he could even step inside of the mall, he was already blocked by people surrounding the side of the mall and his eyes finally flee upon the entire mall that made his heart almost stop, stole away his remaining breath from his lungs, his legs frozen on the place.

He grit his teeth in rage and agony, storming inside of the mall, but then unexpectedly someone caught him, blocking him from the entrance.

He vehemently pushed him back, feeling like his heart would explode. "Get off me."

"Sir, you can not go there." A bulky police man pushed his body with his one, gripping his upper arm firmly, he clenched his teeth when he struggled to hold him back.

"You can not except yourself to save the life of that person who is now stucked there. Are you just going to blindly force your way through the fire and let us risk both of you dying?" He breathed deeply, grasping his arm even more firmly.

His entire body went rigid because of the agony consuming him.

As he stood there, engulfed in a whirlwind of grief, he felt his eyes getting moist from the corner.

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