Maybe don't |C.A.O.S|

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~Zelda Spellman~

I've been trying this new spell for hours but I can't seem to get it. I chant the incantation over and over but nothing happens; well except for that bird that hit the window, but I think that's more natural selection than my doing. I've been staying with the Spellmans for about two years now and I guess their power hasn't rubbed off on me yet. It makes me feel like there's no hope it ever will.

My parents passed away about two and a half years ago and I can easily say that was the worst day of my life. It was a few months after that, that Zelda found me wandering around one day. She recognized me and brought me back to the house and cleaned me up. I eventually told her I had ran away before the funeral because I was the one that found them and called the police. She had apparently been looking for me when she didn't see me there so she could offer me to live with them.

Hilda was friends with my parents and by association so was Zelda in a way. They were quite fond of them, Hilda more than the redhead, but Zelda always seemed drawn to me for some reason or maybe it was the other way around. Either way, whenever they came over, I always wanted to be around her and would cry when she left. Now, years later, it was still the same way — except I no longer cried, about anything really.

I'm actually trying to learn this spell to impress her but I realize I'm going to need help to make this happen. I take the book with me downstairs, checking to make sure she isn't around before entering the kitchen. I find Hilda in there as usual, taking something sweet-smelling out the oven as the scent of a complimenting herbal tea floats in the air. "Hey, Hilda" I mumble and she turns to me, a smile instantly finding its way to her features.

"Oh hi, honey bun. What's up?" She can always tell when I need something, it's a trait I mostly admire but also find to be tricky when I just want to figure it out myself. I explain to her the spell I'm trying to achieve and her face takes on a very unfamiliar expression. She frowns deeply before trying to smile, but it comes out more like a grimace. "This might not be such a good spell for you..." she advises, "well, why not? I thought everyone started with this book" I point out as I set it on the counter.

"Yes, darling, but umm — I mean every new witch attempts it, but they are advised against it. It is difficult and though not easy to do, it is rather easy to mess up. This is why you're supposed to do the book in order, leading up to this one" she looks conflicted as she says the words, her eyes desperate for me to understand. "And what happens if I mess up?" I ask curiously as I lean on the counter and reach for a cookie, taking a bite as I wait for her response.

"Well..." she seems to be having difficulty getting it out, luckily someone helps her with that. "You could kill everyone you care for her" her flat voice sounds through the room and my head whips in her direction, watching as she calmly sits at the dining table. "Shit! I mean oh my gosh, you scared me — wait what?!" My brain is going a million miles an hour but that's not unusual when she's in my presence. "I'm afraid she's right, my dear..." Hilda says, carrying over the treats she's just baked, also setting a mug in front of her redheaded sister.

"So, do you want to kill us or do you not care about us?" She raises an eyebrow and my face falls, "Zelda!" Hilda attempts to scold her but the redhead simply glares at her and she looks away nervously. "Of course I care about you guys!" I exclaim, "I was only joking... a little" Zelda smirks and I huff. I pick up the book and head back to my room, tossing it on my desk before climbing into my bed. Maybe it's not even worth it, what if I do mess up and harm them?

I probably can't do it anyway and I don't want to risk it. Maybe this magic thing as a whole just isn't for me. I hear a knock at my door and I lift my head to check the clock, it's only been half an hour since I came back up. The door opens and I see a flicker of red hair before turning away from the door again. My bed dips and I know she's sat at the edge but I don't say anything. "I'm... sorry if I upset you" she sighs, "it's fine" I mumble as I stare at the wall.

A silence follows that I don't know how to fill and frankly don't want to. "I mean it, you know. I know I don't say it often but I truly am" she reassures me but I already know that which I tell her. "Why were you trying to learn that spell?" She asks and I don't want to lie to her but telling her the truth is embarrassing. The little orphan girl that wants to please and earn the approval of her guardians. I'm an adult, sure, but something about Zelda makes me feel like a little kid again.

"Don't make me ask again, you know how I hate to repeat myself" she states firmly and I sigh, "for you" I whisper. "Excuse me?" She asks and I sit up to face her but don't meet her eyes, "fo-" "no I heard you. Why in the hell would you try and learn that for me?" Her voice is a little harsh and I understand she's confused but for the life of me I don't see why. "To impress you" I shrug, "impress me? For what?" I glance at her to see she looks at me like I'm out of my mind and it sends me over the edge.

"Because I care what you think, Zelda! For Satan's sake" I roll my eyes, "I mean you should care what I think-" "ugh" I groan as I cover my face with my hands. "Why did you think you needed to do that to impress me?" Her voice is a bit softer now — more like her usual sternness. "Because I knew it wasn't one of the easiest spells and... you're a hard woman to please, what can I say" I breathe out defeatedly. Not only could I not complete the spell but, on top of it, I've also embarrassed myself.

"You do understand that I'm already impressed every day by you still being alive? I mean, with all that Hilda enables you to do-" "with all due respect, could you not be an ass sometimes?" I interrupt her to grumble and she stops to take a deep breath. "You don't need to do anything to impress me, sweet girl" she sighs softly, her voice is the softest I've ever heard and I look up. I'm startled by her vulnerability, watching her as she keeps her gaze in her hands and twiddles her thumbs.

"I'm simply happy with you being alive. Your growth astounds me every day. It may feel like nothing to you, but these small steps are very important for the leaps I know you'll make in the future. I only push you so hard because I know you're capable of it" she mumbles, "you think so?" I smile gratefully and happy that I've made her proud somehow. "Absolutely" she states, looking up at me with soft eyes that make me melt. I've never seen her like this before and it's refreshing.

"Now, I need a cigarette" I giggle as she stands up and makes her way to the door, "wait, can I... maybe come with you?" I ask cautiously. "Absolutely not" she asserts sternly and I pout, "but why?" I whine. She narrows her eyes at me for questioning her I assume and I glance away for a second apologetically. "I don't want you around the smoke" I smile at her thoughtfulness but it's not like I haven't smoked before... though she doesn't need to know that.

"Oh... ok. But, Zelda?" She turns around to face me again, her eyes still soft. I take in the moment for second, knowing it'll probably be a while before I see her like this again — maybe even a century. "Thank you for saying those things. I really needed it — and I appreciate it" I assure her and she produces a small smile, nodding her head "of course, darling" she says before taking her leave. I fall back on the bed and sigh with a grin on my face, covering it with my hands.


Zelda closes the door and sighs to herself, leaning against the wall for a moment to collect herself. She didn't intend to be so... sweet with her, she has no idea what got into her. She supposes it had to have been that cute look on her face, her desire to please. Though, deep down, she knows it's something else entirely and sooner or later it will all slip out her hands. She thought she had a good grip on it but suddenly she finds it hard to rein it in. "I love you" she whispers before pushing off the wall, heading downstairs and out to the patio for a much needed smoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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