chapter 28 (half)

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Yeonjun smirked and opened his posts, he uploaded a certain picture and smirked yet once again before looking at beomgyu who was watching TikTok. "Love..can you check my pfp for a sec? I just want to check something..beomgyu looks up and nods before opening Instagram and tapping on yeonjuns profile, his eyes widened as he stood up in shock "Choi yeonjun!"

beomgyu looks up and nods before opening Instagram and tapping on yeonjuns profile, his eyes widened as he stood up in shock "Choi yeonjun!"

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"Yes Choi beomgyu?" Yeonjun replied with confidence and walked closer to the younger. "This is - yeonjun!!" Beomgyu whined when yeonjun ignored his anger and kissed his neck "you can't have your ways of always getting away!" Yeonjun grabbed the youngers waist and smirked "oh but I do.." beomgyu sighed and took yeonjuns phone "what are you doing?" "What's your password?" The younger interrupted as yeonjun took his phone back and pecked his husbands lips "I don't remember.." beomgyu frowned in confusion and placed his hands on top of his hips. "Don't lie to me!!" Yeonjun just shrugged and sat on the bed. He layed down and looked at beomgyu who was disappointed "love come here.." beomgyu hesitated before going over and laying on top of his husband. "Is my baby angry?" "Obviously you fool!" Beomgyu interrupted earning a laugh from the other.

The two ended up cuddling the rest of the day, or teasing each other for small things, that's a beomjun kinda relationship.

This might have been the last chapter idkkk

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