𐦖 𝐁𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𐦖

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-(Y/n) POV-

Throughout the car ride, it was pretty silent, except for Percy trying to make some small talk with you, only to be told to 'shut up' by Annabeth. This started a bickering cycle between the two before it went back to silence. You noticed these arguments made Grover uneasy, as he was twitching in the front seat and fiddling with a metal can between his hands.

You tried your best to keep the two from arguing, but there was only so much you could do when the other made a snarky comment, and then all hell would break loose. After a long while of this constant bickering, you decided it was time for your own break—a snack break!

You didn't get much of a snack break since the only access to your bag, filled with more snacks than clothes, was through Annabeth, who kept it between her legs on the car floor. Why did she do this? Because within the two-hour car ride, the car's back seats would have looked like someone's trash day dump with all the wrappers lying around.

That's why your bag was currently with her. After some asking, the blonde girl caved to your pleading and grabbed you a bag of chips to eat. The sound of your chewing filled the car's silence until you guys finally made it to Manhattan downtown.

You stared around curiously, watching a pretty mix of rain and the outlook of the sun setting while Argus made his way to Greyhound to drop you off. You patiently waited for Annabeth to hurry out of her seat so you could follow her right out of the car to the sidewalk.

You watched as Argus went to help Grover, Percy, and Annabeth take out their luggage from the back of the car. He then ensured the four of you had a bus ticket before getting in his car and speeding back to camp.

With that, you made your way to the bus stop through the rain, feeling the cold water thump lightly against your head and clothes, dampening it more within a second. This made you worry you'd get sick, but the thought seemed to brush off as Grover shuffled his hand through his bag and pulled out a pretty red apple.

"You guys wanna play hacky sack? Till the bus comes!" Grover claimed with an awkward smile while holding it, looking like he was hoping Percy and Annabeth would agree without any problem, which they did.

It made you feel glad that the two didn't mind playing a game together. Soon, Grover tossed the apple towards you, regretting the decision from the look on your face. It looked like a pretty good, juicy, and crunchy apple when you bounced it on your knee and then to your elbow.

The feeling of taking a nice bite of that apple was tempting, but your sloppy, hacky sack skills embarrassed you. Sure, you could keep the apple from falling, but it didn't look too impressive from your view. With that, you tossed the apple from your elbow to Annabeth, who used her knee to start off.

Annabeth was utterly different from you in Hacky Sack! She looked super impressive, bouncing the apple from her knee to her shoulders and elbows without a struggle. You watched in awe at your friend's skill, who looked very proud of her cool trick. Percy's and Grover's eyes also seemed to watch her impressed.

She then tossed the apple to Percy, which wasn't as impressive as Annabeth's but looked much better than yours. His movements while bouncing the apple around looked awkward but less sloppy than yours, which you felt a bit envious of. You'd probably have to start practicing more to show off better.

Finally, Percy tossed the apple to Grover, which was thrown a little too high near his face. The moment the apple nearly brushed against his lips, he took a massive bite in one go. The loud sound of a crunch and the disappearance of the apple indicated the end of your game.

Grover's face turned red as he tried apologizing for eating the apple, but Annabeth and Percy did not hear him. They were laughing with tears in their eyes while you wore a big smile.

"Oh my goodness! You ate that apple whole!!! You're starting to eat like (Y/n)," Annabeth said breathlessly, and some laughter erupted as she pointed at you. You quickly nodded in agreement while chuckling as Grover only turned even redder.

When the bus finally became visible, the laughter between you four slowly began to die down while you all hurriedly walked to the front to ensure you'd get inside the bus first since a sudden crowd appeared.

Waiting for the bus to open and board, you could hear Grover sniffing as if trying to smell something in the air. You listen down to Percy quietly asking Grover what he was doing, only for the Satyr to become tense.

"I don't know...." Grover mumbled back, unsure of what he was smelling. You grew curious and decided to take a whiffed yourself, smelling something....sour? You couldn't pinpoint it, but there was a bitter smell within the crowd.

You looked around the bus, seeing if the smell would grow more potent, but it stayed the same, almost tainting the whole bus of the scent. It reminded you of lemons. By this time, you four made it to the back of the bus, sitting down and placing your bags around comfortably.

When you got comfortable, you confessed the news: "There are non-humans on the bus." You said bluntly, since your arrival at camp half-blood, you hadn't been able to test your ability to sniff out other creatures. So it was a bit fuzzy, but you could tell it wasn't human.

The two other half-bloods tensed up at this, looking wide-eyed, while Grover seemed to know this information already. The lemon scent almost smelt like Percy, making you furrow your eyebrows and lean over to sniff him.

Percy made a startled noise as you started sniffing him. He looked at you like you were crazy. "What are you doing!?" He said, looking flushed as you continued sniffing before pointing at him.

"Your pockets," you said while pulling away from him, your finger pointing at his right pant pocket, making Percy look nervous as he shoved his hand in it, trying to dig through it.

Annabeth looked at you unimpressed, dumbfounded. "(Y/n), you shouldn't sniff out Percy for food while there's a potential threat in this bus," she said in a lecturing tone.

You shook your head in defense around the same time Percy took a pen from his pocket. "I wasn't; it's just that Percy kind of smelled like the non-humans around this bus." You pouted slightly at her accusations. Now, focusing on the pen in Percy's hand, you sniffed it before confirming your thoughts.

"Hm, it's the same smell...." You muttered while Percy squinted his eyes and stared at his pen. Annabeth made the same face while Grover leaned over to watch you all observe the pen.

Percy tried thinking before making a frustrated and confused expression. "What? But the only thing I've killed with was-"

"Mrs.Dodds," Grover finished for Percy, his face pale, a buildup of sweat growing on his forehead, before a sudden wave of an intimidating and angry aura washed through, making you all go silent and look up to see what had caused this.

A slight shiver went down your spine as you made eye contact with an old lady wearing a velvet dress and a notable orange hat on her head. Percy and Grover looked frozen while you and Annabeth glanced at each other cautiously before looking back and watching the women.

Two other women followed behind the orange hat lady, looking the same minus the color scheme choices of purple and green. The three of them sat at the very front of the bus, near the bus driver, and stayed there with good posture, their eyes roaming

Your stomach dropped slightly when the bus started and began to pull out of the station. The realization of being stuck in a bus with three furies finally hit.

So much for a first-day adventure; so far, it wasn't looking as great as you'd hoped it would be.


A/N: Does having (Y/n) canonically eat two people sound too gruesome for the PJO series? (I am still debating on if I should add it to their lore)

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