Chapter 1

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"Roseanne," Lisa says firmly, "we are not hooking up in the library."

Roseanne grins, wolfish despite Lisa's statement. "Fine."

"I mean it." Lisa keeps her hands resolutely on the table, where she has deemed them safest. "I have to work here."


"And I will not be able to do so if I have," a breath as her girlfriend–her girlfriend! a part of Roseanne's brain still trills in excited italics everytime she says it, even in the privacy of her own thoughts, Lisa is her girlfriend!–thinks of the appropriate wording, "images flashing through my head every time I sit down at this table."

"Images, huh?" Roseanne likes the sound of that very much, actually. Has several such images popping to mind in fact. "Tell me more."

Lisa rolls her eyes to the ceiling as if appealing to a higher power for strength.

"We can compare notes." She's quite interested in hearing just what Lisa is thinking. Would love to know particularly which images she finds most distracting. She runs her fingertips lightly up the outer edge of Lisa's arms, then, in a stroke of self-diagnosed-genius adds, "For academic integrity purposes." Surely this scholastic reasoning will win ever studious Lisa over to her side of seeing things.

It's a side she herself was not expecting to be on this fine Thursday afternoon, and yet. Roseanne likes to think of herself as adaptable. When the opportunity for a little alone time with Lisa presents itself, she'd be crazy not to take advantage.

So, here she is, sitting on the very library table that started it all, once again coaxing her dear reluctant Lisa into a little fooling around. The echo is not lost on Roseanne. She savors it. "It's poetic, if you think about it."

"Poetic," Lisa laughs, the sound coming from low in her throat. "Sure. If we're taking a page from Yeats, I'm sure you're right. He would be so proud to see such an event transpire in his name."

Roseanne does not know who Yates is, let alone whether this is a good comparison or bad, but, as she said: adaptable. She bumps her nose against Lisa's and winds her arms around Lisa's neck. "Glad to hear you're warming up to the idea, hot stuff."

Lisa's cheeks are a delicious shade of pink as she says, "There is absolutely zero warming happening. I am not changing my mind on this, Roseanne."

"Hmm." Roseanne shrugs it off. She can see the proof disproving Lisa's statement with her own eyes, but decides to let it lie. Even now, after countless hickeys (of both their doing, Roseanne is happy to report now), Lisa can still be a little, well, skittish. The last thing Roseanne wants to do is spook her.

She knows Lisa has her reasons for being wary of opening up emotionally and physically. Over the months of knowing each other Roseanne has learned a few of them, and she's hoping to eventually show Lisa she is trustworthy enough to learn them all. Step one of that plan (really more like step one hundred and one, if Roseanne is being honest with just how long she has been planning Mission: Get Lisa Out of Her Own Head--GBOOHH, for short) is not scaring her the hell off.

Despite the unusual start to their relationship (see: Roseanne essentially tricking her friend into giving her multiple hickeys under increasingly false pretenses), Roseanne is determined now to respect Lisa's boundaries. Though, if she has a little fun in learning just what those boundaries are, who is to blame her?

Roseanne has yet to brush up against a hard limit in her quest to map their newly discovered field of play (damn, if that doesn't sound like something Lisa would say). Until that time, she fully plans to enjoy prodding at Lisa's buttons. Read: being, admittedly, a bit of a brat.

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