Chapter 3

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The third time... Oh, the third time. Roseanne can't even address the third time without heat filling her cheeks.

When Roseanne exits her last class of the day, Lisa is there waiting for her. Not leaning against the wall, because of course not, but standing unobtrusively against it and very much on the lookout for Roseanne.

Roseanne's heart does a little heel kick at the sight of her. Posture perfect, hair swept back, as she makes eye contact with Roseanne through the mass of her classmates.

As Lisa steps forward to greet her, hands adjusting the band of her watch on her wrist, it's only then that Roseanne realizes Lisa is not alone. Next to where Lisa had just been standing another girl is watching her girlfriend.

She's tall with beautiful dark curly hair and is very much watching Lisa's fingers as she fiddles with her watch. Roseanne's greeting gets caught in her throat. A wave of jealousy rising up like a monsoon inside her as this, this stranger flicks her eyes from Lisa over to Roseanne, slow smile spreading across her stupid unfortunately pretty face like a challenge.

Oh, she does not like that look at all. No, thank you.

"Roseanne?" Lisa asks. Roseanne notices Lisa does not touch her. Which, if she wasn't currently fighting the vicious green monster inside herself, Roseanne would probably be able to admit is not abnormal. It's usually Roseanne who is the one to reach out, to initiate contact.

But now, to Roseanne's eyes, the space separating her and Lisa burns like a neon sign advertising, MAKE YOUR MOVE NOW, LADIES. And over Lisa's shoulder, that bitch is raising an eyebrow at Roseanne as if to say, 'yes, I can read the sign too, and you know what I just might.'

"Are you alright?" Distantly, Roseanne hears Lisa ask. She registers that by now Lisa has at least taken a concerned step closer, dimming the neon glow a little, but nowhere near enough.

"No." Roseanne reacts on instinct. She glares daggers at the woman and takes Lisa by the elbow. "Come with me." Then, because even with steam coming from her ears, Roseanne doesn't want to railroad her girlfriend, she looks at Lisa, eyes going soft for just the moment of contact between their gazes, and asks, "Please?"

Lisa doesn't even ask where they're going just says, "of course," easy as that, and then Roseanne is dragging her down the hall and into the first dark classroom she can find.

Lisa may have okayed kissing in public, but mauling still remains off limits, and the way Roseanne feels now–a possessive anger roiling hot in her gut–she knows what is about to happen will fall very much in the latter camp.

There are remarkably less jars of formaldehyde in this classroom than the last one she found herself alone with Lisa. Which would be a definite upgrade if Roseanne had time to notice that or literally any other aspect about the room other than the fact that it is empty. She doesn't. She's too busy smashing her mouth into Lisa's the moment they get clear of the doorway, door slamming closed behind them.

Lisa lets out a muffled oof of surprise–Roseanne probably could have toned down the force of her kiss to a less teeth-clacking speed, if she's being honest–but then she's wrapping her arm around Roseanne's waist, sliding it under Roseanne's backpack to hold them steady as she returns the kiss, other hand on Roseanne's chin. Unexpectedly matches Roseanne's hunger with a readiness that has Roseanne wondering if Lisa had been planning something like this herself while she was waiting for Roseanne's class to finish, has Roseanne moaning into the kiss, pressing in harder.

Lisa pulls back from Roseanne's mouth with an audible pop. Her eyes dazed as she says Roseanne's name like a question. "What was–"

Roseanne still has her hands fisted in Lisa's shirt, eyes glued to the wetness of her lips. That's right, she thinks pointedly at the girl they left back in the hallway, she's the one who made these lips look so kiss-bruised. "I didn't like the way that girl was looking at you."

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