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Finally ready, Mila stepped out of her room to find Lando sitting on the living room couch, scrolling through his phone while waiting for her. As the door opened, Lando looked up and was left speechless at the sight of Mila.

She smiled, picked up the flower bouquet, and placed it in a vase, taking a picture of it. "Ready to go?" she asked. Lando snapped out of his trance, nodding hesitantly as he stood up and headed to the main door.

He held the door open for Mila, bowing playfully as he motioned for her to walk out first. Mila laughed at his gesture but appreciated it, stepping out first, followed by Lando who locked the door behind them.

Catching up to her, he intertwined their hands. Mila smiled at the gesture, and the two walked to the underground parking where Lando's car was parked.

The drive to the beachside restaurant was mostly quiet. Mila connected her phone to the car's Bluetooth and played her usual playlist, and they both hummed along to the music. Before long, they arrived at their destination. Lando parked the car and quickly got out, opening the door for Mila before the valet could.

He intertwined their hands again, and Mila smiled, following his lead to where Lando's best friend, Max, and his girlfriend, Pietra, were waiting for them.

Arriving at their table, Max and Pietra stood up eagerly to greet Lando and Mila. Pietra hugged Mila first, followed by Lando, while Max gave Mila a gentle side-hug. Then, they all settled back into their seats.

"It's great to finally meet you," Pietra said with a smile, turning to Mila. "I've heard so much about you from Lando."

"Really? Like what?" Mila asked teasingly, wanting to hear more.

"Oh you know," Pietra continued, "I seriously thought Lando had a huge crush on you for the longest time."

Lando was caught off guard at the comment, almost spitting out his drink in surprise.

Mila quickly patted his back to help him calm down, while Max handed him a tissue. Lando shot a glare at the teasing couple, warning them to stop, but Mila just laughed at their antics.

"You guys need to stop teasing me," he glared, while Max and Pietra smirked and Mila laughed at their banter.

Though Mila knew Max from before, this meeting felt different. After deciding to pretend to date, Lando and Mila had agreed to confide in two people each. Lando had chosen Max and Pietra, so today they were telling them everything.

The four of them chatted easily as they waited for their food. Then, Max turned to Lando with a serious expression.

"Hey, what's the real reason you wanted to meet up today?" Max asked, noticing a shared look between Lando and Mila.

Before Lando could respond, Pietra jumped in, thinking she knew the reason. "Are you two dating now?" she asked eagerly.

Lando began, "Well, yes-"

"That's fantastic news!" Pietra interrupted, overjoyed.

"Pie, let him finish talking," Max urged, sensing there was more to the story.

As Max encouraged Lando to continue, Lando whispered, "We are dating, but...it's not real."

"What do you mean?" Max asked, confused.

"We're pretending to be in a relationship," Mila clarified, being straightforward.

"W-why?" Pietra asked, confused by the sudden revelation.

"Is it because of Luisa?" Max's voice lowered, his eyes narrowing at Lando as Lando avoided his gaze.

"It's mostly because of me," Mila jumped in, her voice softening. "My grandma is sick, and she doesn't have much time left. She keeps saying her last wish is to see me happy and in a committed relationship. I just want to make her happy."

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