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There wasn't much more disgusting than a hotel bathtub, Laoise decided as she stripped out of her clothes and submerged herself into the water. Who knew what had been in there before, and when it was last cleaned. Yet, it was perhaps the most relaxed she'd been all day, and she allowed the warmth of the water to take over her senses, breathing in the smell of the cheap shampoo she scrubbed into her scalp and stretched out her legs.

"Hurry up, Lee-Lee!" She heard Logan bang on the door after half an hour or so passed by with her luxuriating in the tub. "I have to pee!"

She groaned in annoyance, but obliged, stepping out of the bath and draining the water. Wrapping a bowl around herself, she stepped out of the bathroom, allowing Logan to step inside to relieve himself.

There was one bed in the hotel room they'd booked - the only room available for the night. Fine, Laoise had thought reluctantly. It would suck, but they'd all fit. Logan could sleep in the middle. It would be fine.

"Why are you in a towel?" Octavian glowered, staring at her from where he was seated on the bed, legs stretched out and his nose in the Bible the hotel provided.

"I forgot my pajamas in my bag," she nudged towards her stuffed backpack. "Why are you reading a Bible?"

"Do you have anything better to do? The TV won't work."

"It has a sad ending," Laoise commented. "I cried every time, when I was little. Mom would bring me to church with her, and I'd have to be excused to the bathroom."

He frowned. "Doesn't Jesus get resurrected in the end?"

"Yes, but he still died," she shrugged, grabbing her clothes out of her bag. "Close your eyes."

"Close my eyes? Why?"

"I need to change. Logan's in the bathroom - and from what it sounds like, he'll be in there for a while," she shifted the towel, struggling to hold it up over her body. "Just close your eyes, you fucking pervert."

"I'm not-" he groaned, cutting himself off. "Fine, fine, I'm closing my eyes. See?"

With a satisfied smirk, she turned around, allowing the towel to drop and swiftly pulling her pajamas over her body.

"Can I look yet?"

"Go ahead."

Octavian's eyes opened, and immediately narrowed in on her, a glare igniting in him. "Asshole!"

"What did I do this time?" She groaned, crossing her arms.

"Oh, don't play dumb, Laoise, you know."

"No, I really don't," she sighed.

"You're..." he glanced up at the ceiling, intentionally avoiding eye contact. "Fuck, you're not wearing a bra."

She frowned. "Okay, first off, why are you looking at my tits?"

"I was not-"

"Second of all, who the fuck wears a bra to bed?" She cut him off with raised eyebrows.

"Do girls really sleep bra-less?"

"Yes, why the hell would we sleep in a bra?"

"What's a bra?" Logan asked, his head peaking out of the bathroom, nose twitching as he glanced between the two.

"Something Laoise isn't wearing," Octavian sent her a pointed gaze, to which she stuck out her tongue. "Oh, real mature."

"Says the one who can't go two seconds without staring at my tits."

"For fucks sake, I was not-"

"I'm tired," Logan interrupted them, yawning loudly as he made his way towards the bed. While it was a king size, Laoise still had trouble imagining the three of them would fit comfortably on it. "Can we go to sleep? You guys can finish arguing tomorrow."

as we fall ✤ octavianWhere stories live. Discover now