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Author's note

Just some little things you gotta know,
So Tanjiro looks exactly the same but I'll be giving him Killua's {HxH} strength and skills.
Kanao will look the same but she will have Esdeath's {Akame ga kill} personality.


Location: Hosu city
Time: 3:25 am
Weather: Foggy

It was a foggy night and a figure was seen running down the empty streets of Hosu, His clothes stained with dirt and blood.

The stranger had fear written all over his face as he desperately tried to escape whatever was lurking in the shadows and slowly making it's way towards him, as he ran he would occasionally stumble when trying to glance backwards.

However this turned to be his downfall as he accidentally stumbled over a loose brick and fell to the ground.

The man desperately tried to get away but he had sprained his legs and the figure in the shadows kept looming closer closer and closer with every step. In a desperate attempt to survive he threw brick at the figure.

While this would have worked on most people, This shadow however was not most people as he simply grabbed the brick from mid air as if plucking a fruit in slow motion and then he proceeded to crush it.

"What a futile attempt even for you, tell me are you really that desperate to live.
In that case I shall give you a death so quick you won't even feel yourself dying".

"No please don't kill me, I'll give you anything just don't kill me. I beg of you".
"I have a family, my daughter just turned 5. I need to take care of her and my wife".

"Do not worry about them, my client said I should inform you that he will personally take good care of them after your death".

"May I ask what said clients name is"

"Not that it would make a difference' his name is Naoto kocho"

"That bastard, I always knew he wanted my family but I didn't know he would go this far.
Let's make a deal. I'll pay you double the price, in exchange you help me kill them"

"As much as I would like to take that offer I can't, my clients wishes come first. If you do manage to survive death then be sure to go ahead and hire me but till then, bye bye"

After that sentence all takayashi could see was red as the assassin had struck his chest.
After a while the red transcended to black and he fell limp to the floor getting soaked in his own blood.

Before he died one thought crossed his mind.
"I feel no pain, I guess he really did keep his promise" were takayashi thoughts as he finally died.

The red haired assassin who had killed him simply gazed at the mans body then his hands before frowning.

"I can't believe I still got blood on my hands" he said while cleaning it off with a napkin. "I've still got a long way to go if I wanna be as good as my old man".

After this the red haired teen decided it was best to go back home and rest while he still had the time.


Author's note

This book was inspired by xXHeriotzaXx A New World , I recommend checking out his books they're really good.
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