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     A (h/c)-haired girl who seemed to be eighteen years of age lay on a shore at the bottom of a cliff. Her body was meters away from touching the water. Suddenly, she gasped for air as she suddenly woke up. She quickly sat up and looked around at her surroundings. In front of her was an ocean, which almost looked as black as ink because of the night sky.

"All I remembered was waking up on that beach. I didn't know who I was, or how I got there."

     She looked down at her hands, then her body, and carefully got on her feet.

"I was confused, but I wasn't afraid."

     She felt something on her back, and she looked over her shoulder. She gasped in shock when she saw a pair of large white wings attached to her back! She looked around at her surroundings, and her (h/c) eyes landed on a large bow not too far from her. She walked over to it, and she bent down to pick it up. The wood felt smooth in her hands, and she fingered one of the beautiful carvings on it. She gently pulled back the string before releasing. She then saw a quiver with a few arrows in it, and there were more arrows surrounding it. She collected the arrows and grabbed the quiver, setting the arrows inside. She put the quiver on, the strap hanging on her (left/right) shoulder, and she looked up at the full moon in the sky.

"The Man in the Moon told me my name was (Y/n), but to others, I would be known as Cupid. That was all he told me, but I was glad to know at least one thing about myself."

     (Y/n) looked over her shoulder at her wings and concentrated. She opened them and gave them a slow flap. She grinned like a happy child when she realized she was controlling her wings. She flapped her wings repeatedly, faster and harder with each flap, until she couldn't feel her feet on the sand. She looked down to see that she was actually flying, and her grin grew, a laugh escaping her mouth. With her bow in one hand, she flew up to the top of the cliff. She cheered as she flew above a forest, the breeze feeling great against her face, her (h/l) (h/c) hair flowing in the wind. She looked down to see some apple trees.

     "I wonder. . ." she mumbled.

     (Y/n) took an arrow from her quiver, aligned the nock to the string, pulled it back, and aimed for a certain apple. She took a deep breath, wondering if her aim was as good as she hoped it was, seeing as how she couldn't even remember if it was, and fired. She heard a faint thud, and she flew to the ground. She saw her arrow sticking out of it, and the apple she aimed at was impaled through.

     "Woah," she whispered, amazed that she was able to do that.

     Suddenly, a new arrow appeared in the quiver in a wisp of pink smoke. Her eyes widened, and she felt her smile grow impossibly big. She may not remember anything, but she felt too excited to care; she could fly, she could do archery perfectly, and her supply of arrows was endless! She flew high above the forest, laughing and cheering. She felt light as a feather. Words were unable to describe how overjoyed she felt.

     She stopped when she saw a village in the distance. She faintly heard lute music being played from the village, and she flew closer to the village. As she got closer, she saw people walking around, children playing with each other, and couples taking strolls. The sight made her heart soar, and she quickly flew down to the village. Due to her excitement, she nearly tripped when she tried to land on her feet.

     "That will take some getting used to," she chuckled.

     She then walked through the village. She felt a little self-conscious since she was the only one with wings, but maybe these people wouldn't mind how she looked. She saw some small children running her way, and she knelt down to their level.

     "Excuse me, children, would you be so kind as to—" she stopped when they ran right through her.

     Horrified, she dropped her bow and placed her hands on her chest. How did that happen? She was real. . . wasn't she? She felt real. So how did those children run right through her? Was she some kind of ghost? What was going on? Panicked, she picked up her bow and looked around at the other villagers until she saw a friendly-looking elderly man.

     "Sir? Can you—" she stopped when the man walked right through her.

     Terrified, she kept trying to get someone's attention.

"Manny may have told me my name, but he didn't tell me what I was. He didn't tell me if I had a special purpose. I didn't know what the future had in store for me, but I could only dream that I'd have a purpose."


     An eighteen-year-old boy with white hair was floating in a frozen pond.

"Darkness. . . That's the first thing I remember. It was dark, and it was cold, and I was scared."

     He opened his blue eyes. The ice easily broke apart as he came through it, and he gasped for air as he continued floating.

"But then, then I saw the moon. It was so big, and it was so bright, it seemed to chase the darkness away. And when it did, I wasn't scared anymore."

     The boy stared at the moon. The brightness seemed to make him feel calm. He slowly floated back down on the ice, which magically came back together as his bare feet touched it. He looked at his pale hands.

"Why I was there and what I was meant to do, that I'd never know. . . and a part of me wonders if I ever will."

     He sighed after staring up at the moon for a moment. He started walking on the ice, almost slipping on it, but then he felt something against his foot. He looked down to see a long stick with a hooked end. He tapped his foot against it, and the stick seemed to glow a bit at his touch. He knelt down to pick it up, and the stick glowed bright. Startled, he dropped one end of the stick to shield his eyes, but to his surprise, when the stick touched the ice, frosty patterns appeared on the ice. A smile formed on his face as he looked at the stick in his hands.

     He lightly pressed the hooked end of the stick against a tree, and frosty patterns appeared on the tree. Amazed, he did the same to another tree, and frosty patterns appeared on it. Feeling very giddy, he laughed as he ran along the frozen pond, creating frosty patterns on it as he trailed his stick on it. He then flew high into the air, and when he was able to control his flight ability, he looked down at the frozen pond to see his work of art. Suddenly, he fell into the trees, hitting a few branches before finally landing on a strong branch. He laughed with giddiness, but then he saw a village not too far from where he was. He flew to the village, but since he was still getting used to his abilities, he landed quite ungracefully. He stumbled a bit as he stood up, and he laughed as he dusted the snow off.

     "Hello. Hello. Good evening, ma'am," he greeted villagers, and he saw a child running after a dog that ran by him. "Oh, uh, excuse me, can you tell me where I am?"

     But the child ran right through him, making him gasp in shock and horror. Other villagers walked right through him, completely unaware.

     "Hello?" he called out, hoping to get someone's attention, but when no one saw him, he left the village.

"My name is Jack Frost. How do I know that? The moon told me so. That was all he ever told me. And that was a long, long time ago."

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