Waking up Snow Mugman and Saving his Parents

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When the Seven Characters and Cape Maria got inside the cottage, the Seven characters lead Cape Maria to their beds to where Snow Mugman was.

Doc Dice: Here he is Cape Maria. We just can't figure out how to wake him up.

Cape Maria: Hmm...

Cape Maria thought really hard until she got an idea that will help wake up Snow Mugman from the very deep sleep.

Cape Maria: I think know how to wake him up.

Doc Dice: You do?

Cape Maria: Yes.

Cape Maria leans her head down towards Snow Mugman's face and she kisses him right on his lips and then she puts her head back up. Snow Mugman starts to wake up which surprises the Seven Characters and Cape Maria. Now, he is completely awake and now he wants to know what just happened to him before and he doesn't know Cape Maria.

Doc Dice: It worked.

Happy Chalice: He's awake

Snow Mugman: Huh? What just happened? And who is this?

Doc Dice: Well, Evil Cagney Carnation made you eat a sleeping apple, and that made fall into a very deep sleep, and this is Cape Maria, and she just helped wake you up.

Snow Mugman: I can't believe that happen.

Cape Maria had news to tell Snow Mugman and it was about his parents, she knew where they were and she had the key to the high tower to save them with.

Cape Maria: Look Snow Mugman. I know where your parents are at.

Snow Mugman: You do? Where?

Cape Maria: They're locked up in the high tower by Evil Cagney Carnation and he threw away the key to where no one can't find it.

Snow Mugman: *gasps*

Cape Maria: But you're in luck because I actually found the key and I still have it.

Cape Maria holds out the key to the high tower in front of Snow Mugman and that him feel happy about it.

Snow Mugman: This is great. Now we can save my parents from the high tower.

Cape Maria: Yes. So let us go.

Cape Maria and Snow Mugman were about to leave until the Seven Characters stopped them to ask them something. 

Doc Dice: Wait.

Cape Maria and Snow Mugman: Huh?

Doc Dice: Can we come along with you to help your parents?

Cape Maria and Snow Mugman: Sure

Snow Mugman: You guys can come along and Doc Dice you check on my parents to make sure that both of them are OK.

Doc Dice: Okay. Sounds like a plan. 

So, Cape Maria, Snow Mugman, and the Seven Characters started to walk out of the forest to head for the high tower to save King Kettle and Queen Sally. When they got to the high tower, they open the tower door, then Cape Maria, Snow Mugman, and the Seven Characters climbed up the 12 stair steps to the door of the little room.

Cape Maria: Here Snow Mugman. Use the key to save your parents.

Snow Mugman: Really? Me?

Cape Maria: Yes. After all, they are your parents.

Snow Mugman: OK.

Cape Maria handed Snow Mugman the key and he used it to unlock the door of the little room, then he opened the door, and his parents are now free. King Kettle and Queen Sally are happy to be out of the little room but they were even happier to see their beloved son.

King Kettle: Snow Mugman.

Queen Sally: Oh, our beloved baby. We are so happy to see you sweetie.

Queen Sally picked Snow Mugman and she kissed him on his cheek a couple of times knowing that he was okay and then she put him back down. Then King Kettle gives Snow Mugman a hug and then letting him go knowing that he is safe and sound.

King Kettle It's good to have you back son.

Now it is time for Doc Dice to check Snow Mugman's parents to see if they are okay after being locked up in the little room.

Doc Dice: Are two okay? Did you two get hurt or anything?

King Kettle: No. We're okay.

Queen Sally: Yep we're good

Then after that Cape Maria suggested that it is a good time to leave the high tower before Evil Cagney Carnation comes to the high tower.

Cape Maria: Come on. It's time to get outta here.

Cape Maria led everyone down the 12 stair steps and out of the high tower and back to King Kettle and Queen Sally's castle. But King Kettle and Queen Sally still wanted to know about who locked them up in the high tower so Snow Mugman had to explain about it.

King Kettle: We still want to know of who locked us up in the high tower?

Queen Sally: Yeah. Who would do this to us?

Snow Mugman: It was Evil Cagney Carnation who did this to you and he tried to get Hunts Henchman to kill me.

King Kettle and Queen Sally: *gasped*

King Kettle and Queen Sally were not happy about Evil Cagney Carnation being behind all of this nonsense.

King Kettle: Nobody gets to lock us up in the high tower and nobody gets to kill our son.

Queen Sally: Right! I am going to call the police.

Queen Sally went inside of the castle to call the bee cops and King Kettle went inside of the castle along with her. Snow Mugman was very happy to be back with his parents safe and sound where he's supposed to be.

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